kettlebell flow. Functional training. Train anywhere. Super Soldier Project.

Kettlebell Flow Workout

When you are short on time but eager to get in your daily fix, nothing is as effective as a kettlebell flow workout!!

What is a Kettlebell Flow?

A kettlebell flow workout consists of three or more exercises, strung together and performed with one rep of each movement back-to-back in a fluid sequence.  The flows should contain pushing, pressing, hinging, and sometimes pulling movements and should aim to effectively target both sides of your body.

Weight is not important in a kettlebell flow since the moves are performed for time or in Tabata fashion.  Continuous movement is a prime factor, the flow from one movement to the next continues until either the target reps are obtained or the time is up

I have outlined 3 basic flows below – each involving several exercises.  Do as prescribed and flow from one movement in the set to the next and then repeat.  The routines are performed in Tabata format, with 8 X 1-minute rounds involving 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest per round.

kettlebell flow. Functional training. Train anywhere. Super Soldier Project.
Single kettlebell racked squat.

Attempt to undertake at least two of the three flow routines outlined below for a workout that last between 16- 24-minutes (dependant on whether you choose two or three routines).  Be brutal on yourself with the rounds, 20 secs rest only between rounds and 1-minute rest between the different flow routines.

For the sadistic, or those with a bit more time on their hands I have included a Turkish GetUp finale below, one of the greatest core exercises ever.  If you have never done these before, read the notes below and practice with no or little weight.  Get the form correct before you proceed.

Keys to Success

Prior to the workout proper, I always rehearse the movements, rehearsal has helped me avoid several potential workout disasters.  

Ideally, you want to be working at a weight that challenges you and which will advance you towards your goals. However that said, be sure to observe yourself in the mirror, if your form is off or you are struggling, drop the weight.  Only perform the exercises if you can undertake them safely and with correct form. 

Kettlebell straight leg Deadlifts.


(Perform Mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist and neck muscles prior to warm-up)

3 Rounds – 20 Air Squats. 15 Jumping Jacks, 10 Press Ups. 30 Mountain Climbers. 

First Kettlebell Flow

  1. High pulls x 2 reps.
  2. Clean and press x 2 reps.
  3. Push press x 2 reps.
  • 8 x 60-second rounds. 40 seconds of work. 20 seconds of rest. Flow from moves 1-3.  On completion of 1, 2 and 3 return to move 1 and continue through the flow for time (40 seconds between rounds).  When 40 seconds are up, rest for 20 seconds. Repeat for a further 7 rounds.
  • Move to the second kettlebell flow below…

Second Kettlebell Flow

  1. Double (racked) kettlebell squat x 2 reps.
  2. Kettlebell lunge x 1 rep each side.
  3. Kettlebell deadlift x 2 reps each side.
  • 8 x 60-second rounds. 40 seconds of work. 20 seconds of rest. Flow from moves 1-3.  On completion of 1, 2 and 3 return to move 1 and continue through the flow for time (40 seconds between rounds).  When 40 seconds are up, rest for 20 seconds. Repeat for a further 7 rounds.
  • Move to the third kettlebell flow below…

Third Kettlebell Flow

  1. Kettlebell press ups x 2 reps (Jump to feet on second).
  2. Double KB back rows x 2 reps.
  3. Double KB swings  x 2 reps.
Kettlebell Flow Workout. Cardio training. Strength and conditioning. Flexibility training. Functional training.
  • 8 x 60-second rounds. 40 seconds of work. 20 seconds of rest. Flow from moves 1-3.  On completion of 1, 2 and 3 return to move 1 and continue through the flow for time (40 seconds between rounds).  When 40 seconds are up, rest for 20 seconds. Repeat for a further 7 rounds.
  • Move to the kettlebell flow workout finale below…

Turkish Get-Up Finale

To finish, undertake 8 x Turkish get-ups (4 Each Side).  Drop the weight for this to something that is challenging but attainable and safe.

A. Starting off flat on your back. Hold the kettlebell by the horns directly above your face.  It’s always a good safety exercise to have your free hand support the kettlebell on the way up to ensure you are happy with the weight!

When you are happy, drop the opposite arm to the floor ready to use it for support.  The outstretched arm with the kettlebell will now be above your head supporting its full weight.

Have the knee on the same side as the kettlebell bent so the foot is flat on the floor.  The opposite leg should be outstretched.

B. Sit up with the weight using your core muscles and using the opposite forearm for support.  

C. Using the heel of the foot planted on the floor, push your hips into the air so that they are fully extended.  You will be slightly angled at this point with the right side higher than the left. Both arms should be in alignment and the kettlebell should be directly above your head.  Keep your core and glute muscles tight throughout.

D. The extended leg is now ‘swept’ back so you are in a half-kneeling position.  The arms stay in the same position until the leg movement is complete.  At that point, remove your implanted hand from the floor and use the oblique muscles of your core to bring you into the upright position.  Check your position to ensure the bell is directly above your shoulder joint.  Once you are happy, look directly forwards.

E. Using the front foot, push forward into a standing position.  Keep your eyes on the horizon.  Hold the position for a couple of seconds before beginning to reverse the manoeuvre from E back to A.

A Final Note

Remember to take your time with the exercise, working through the various steps and concentrating on technique. Hold each position for a couple of seconds during your transitions.  Keep the lifting arm locked, straight and above the shoulder at all times. Never take your eyes off the kettlebell.

Workout Complete!!

Kettlebell Hell Workout. Saviour Workouts. Strength. Endurance. Flexibility. Cardiovascular. Kettlebells. Super Soldier Project.

For more on Kettlebell Training check out our Way of the Kettlebell section 🙂


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