Viking Warrior Workout. Functional training. Resistance training. HIIT Cardio.

Viking Warrior Workout

Welcome to the Viking Warrior Workout, a brutal workout aimed at developing muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and power. Not for the faint-hearted!

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Table of Contents

Go Viking - A Brief History

Bloodthirsty Beginnings

The Vikings were the feared plunderers from Scandinavia who sailed from city to city, raiding and terrorising Medieval Europe.  Their bloodthirsty debut was a raid on England’s Lindisfarne monastery in 793, and after that, the reign of Viking terror officially began.  Following this bloodbath, these raiders would frequently sweep in from the North sea to kill, plunder and destroy, targeting Britain, Ireland, France and Mainland Europe with reckless abandon. 

The Vikings were warlike people skilled with the axe and the sword.  Additionally, they worshipped warlike gods such as Odin and Thor and actively sought death in battle.  Indeed, for a Viking to be slain in combat meant they could enter Valhalla (Viking afterlife) and feast and drink with the Gods for all eternity!

Party time in Valhalla Functional Workout. Upper Body. Pad work. Rowing. Train everyday. Super Soldier Project.
Party time in Valhalla with Odin after a successful death in battle!

Expansion and Territorial Gain

In their time as travellers, traders and conquerors, the Norsemen covered quite some ground, their list of countries covered is impressive.  Initially, they traded locally around the Baltic Sea, Europe and Britain, and up the Russian rivers, eventually reaching regions as far as Rome, Baghdad, the Caspian Sea, North America and perhaps even Africa.

Viking routes. Functional Workout. Upper Body. Pad work. Rowing. Train everyday. Super Soldier Project.
Vikings to make this kind of progress they clearly didn't get up late in the day or skip training.  Neither should you.  Get after it!!

Viking culture may be dead and buried today, however, their bloodline continues right throughout the world from Eastern Russia all the way to the West coast of the United States!! Viking DNA is everywhere!

Physical Attributes

Skeletons from Norse burials suggest that the Vikings were muscular, and I guess they had to be since their daily life involved heavy farm work and murder with the Axe!  However, they didn’t look anything like Hollywood action stars on anabolic steroids. A body like that is not functional (Vikings did not have steroids). Instead, envision a drug-free powerlifter, swimmer or thrower at somewhere around 80 kgs (176 lbs). That would probably have been the physique of your average Viking man.

Viking Warrior Workout!!

"Wake early if you want another mans life or land.  No Lamb for the lazy wolf.  No battles won in bed"

(Viking Proverb)

Northman Circuits

The Viking workouts below aims to mimic some of their functional daily routines, (minus the rape, pillage and church burning!!)  The term ‘Viking’ refers properly only to men who went on raids, therefore these workouts are just that…raids, quick, brutal, hit and run workouts!!  You will literally be ‘going Viking!’.

Thor's Hammer Workout

Equipment required:

  • A sandbag, tire, barbells, punchbag, medicine ball, dumbbell or kettlebells (various sizes if possible) and a Plyo box.

Overview of exercises:

  • Rowing stations combined with supersets of resistance and bodyweight exercises.
  • MMA style stations.
  • Complete the prescribed exercises below.


  • 70-80% of 1 RPM. Vikings have to be fast as well as strong.


  • Descending pyramid format on the weights for the superset.  Start with 12 reps and work down to 6 reps.  So 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps per round.  Go heavier with the weights each round.  Bodyweight exercises to failure on last round.


  • Be brutal on yourself.  If there are any exercises where you exceed the prescribed rest period, immediately add 10 burpees to the end of your routine.  So if you stop quite a bit these may build up!! Keep the rest periods short!!

Stations Explained

10 minutes on the rowing machine

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

10 minutes of rowing. 30 seconds hard rowing, 30 seconds easier pace.

4 x rounds of the 3 supersets outlined below:

Superset 1

  1. Dumbbell pressx 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps.
  2. Push-ups15 reps each.  Last round to failure.
Viking Workout. Functional Workout. Upper Body. Pad work. Rowing. Train everyday.

(Left) incline chest press. (Right) push-ups.

Superset 2

  1. Tyre flips – x 15 reps.
  2. Back squat – x 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps.
Tyre Flip and Barbell Back Squat. Thors Hammer Workout. Warrior Workouts.

Tyre Flip (left) and Barbell Back Squat (right).

Superset 3

  1. Deadliftx 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps.
  2. Weighted lunges – x 20 reps (10 each side with lunges).
Deadlifts and Barbell Lunges. Thors Hammer Workout. Warrior Workouts.

(Left) deadlifts. (Right) barbell lunges.

10 minutes on the rowing machine

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

10 minutes of rowing. 30 seconds hard rowing, 30 seconds easier pace.

Punchbag work

Heavy Bag work and Ground and Pound on floor. Thors Hammer Workout. Warrior Workouts.

(Left) Heavy Bag work (Right) Ground and Pound on floor.

  • Consists of four 2 minute rounds.
  • For the 1st and 3rd rounds Berserker Rage. (2 minutes of solid all out Boxing on the bag!)
  • For the 2nd and 4th rounds, ground and pound on the bag for 10 blows on each side. Immediately afterwards, sprint up and down the length of the room. Then return to the bag and start ground and pound again.  Repeat for time.
  • 30 seconds rest between rounds. Be strict!!

10 minutes on the rowing machine

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

10 minutes of rowing. 30 seconds hard rowing, 30 seconds easier pace.

Axe-choppers (with a medicine ball or dumbbells)

  • 15 x reps each side. Overhead to floor left to right and then reverse.
Wood chop dumbbells. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.
Axe choppers using dumbbells or a medicine ball.

Summary of exercises:

  • 10 minutes on the rowing machine.
  • 4 x rounds of supersets below
    • Dumbbell press and press-ups.
    • Back squat and tire flips.
    • Deadlifts and  weighted lunges.
  • 10 minutes on the rowing machine.
  • Punch Bag work.  4 x 2-minute rounds. 1st and 3rd rounds – Berserker rage. (2 minutes of solid all out Boxing on the bag!) For the 2nd and 4th rounds, ground and pound on the bag for 10 blows each side. Immediately afterwards, sprint up and down the length of the room. Then return to the bag and start ground and pound again.  Repeat for time. 30 seconds rest between rounds. Be strict!!
  • 10 minutes on the rowing machine.
  • Axe-choppers (with a medicine ball or dumbbells).
Viking Berserker. Viking Workout. Functional Workout. Upper Body. Pad work. Rowing. Train everyday. Super Soldier Project.
Be as relentless as a Viking Berserker with the circuits.  No stopping till the job is done.

Halls of Valhalla Workout

Equipment required:

  • Kettlebells heavy (various sizes if possible) and a Plyo box.

Overview of exercises:

  • Rowing stations combined with supersets of resistance and bodyweight exercises.
  • MMA style stations.
  • Complete the prescribed exercises below.


  • 70-80% of 1 RPM. Vikings have to be fast as well as strong.


  • Descending pyramid format on the weights for the superset.  Start with 12 reps and work down to 6 reps.  So 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps per round.  Go heavier with the weights each round.  Bodyweight exercises to failure on last round.


  • Be brutal on yourself.  If there are any exercises where you exceed the prescribed rest period, immediately add 10 burpees to the end of your routine.  So if you stop quite a bit these may build up!! Keep the rest periods short!!

Stations Explained

10 minutes on the rowing machine

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

10 minutes of rowing. 30 seconds hard rowing, 30 seconds easier pace.

Ascending Ladder workout

  • 1-10 (Blood eagles).  Essentially, the ‘Man maker’ exercise. You may use either dumbbells or kettlebells for this. Select a medium weight.  From the press-up position below, undertake a back row (both sides), immediately undertake a push up in the same position.  From there, jump your feet forward to the KB/DB’s and clean them to the ‘rack’ shoulder position.  Dropdown into a low squat, before explosively pushing up into a full overhead press.  Return to the renegade row position.  That is one Blood Eagle.

The ‘Blood Eagle’.

10 minutes on the rowing machine

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

10 minutes of rowing. 30 seconds hard rowing, 30 seconds easier pace.

Kettlebell Turkish Get-Ups (10 reps - 5 Each Side)

10 minutes AMRAP circuit

AMRAP = ‘As Many Reps as Possible’ within that time. Start at the top of the list then work down, on completion return to the top of the list and repeat until ten minutes is up!

  1. Burpees (10 reps).
  2. Dynamic press-ups (10 reps).
  3. Kettlebell single-arm swings (20 reps – 10 each side).
  4. Mountain climbers (20 reps).
  5. Kettlebell lunges (20 reps – 10 each side).
  6. Sprint 50ms (One side of room and back).
Functional Training Circuit. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts.

10 minutes on the rowing machine

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

10 minutes of rowing. 30 seconds hard rowing, 30 seconds easier pace.

Axe choppers (with heavier resistance such as kettlebell/dumbbell)

  • 1 round x 15 each side overhead to alternate side of the floor (so cutting downwards from left to right for example).
  • 1 round x 15 each side chopping solely from left to right.
Wood chop dumbbells. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.
Axe choppers using dumbbells.

Axe choppers (with lighter resistance - medicine ball)

  • 1 round x 15 each side overhead to alternate side of the floor (so cutting downwards from left to right for example).
  • 1 round x 15 each side chopping solely from left to right.
Medicine ball Axe choppers. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.
Axe choppers using a medicine ball.

Descending Ladder workout

Start from 10 reps, then 9, then 8 continue all the way till 1.

  • 10-1 Blood Eagles. (see above explanation).

The ‘Blood Eagle’.

Summary of Exercises:

  • 10 minutes on the rowing machine.
  • Ladder workout

    • 1-10 Blood eagles.
  • 10 minutes on the rowing machine – 10 minutes continuous rowing.
  • Kettlebell Turkish Get-Ups – (10 reps – 5 Each Side).

    10 minutes AMRAP circuit –

    1. Burpees (10 reps).
    2. Dynamic press-ups (10 reps.
    3. Kettlebell single-arm swings (20 reps – 10 each side).
    4. Mountain climbers (20 reps).
    5. Kettlebell lunges (20 reps – 10 each side).
    6. Sprint 50ms (one side of room and back).
  • 10 minutes on the rowing machine. – 10 minutes continuous rowing.
  • Axe choppers (with DB/KB’s).
  • Axe-choppers (with medicine ball).
  • Descending ladder circuit.
    • 10-1 Blood Eagles.

Enjoying our Viking Warrior Workouts so far? Try some of our other Warrior Workouts if you are up for a challenge!!

Warrior. Workouts. Strength training. Endurance training. HIIT workouts. Resistance training. Callisthenics. Bodyweight strength training.
Workouts for the Elite only - Not for the fainthearted!!

Shieldmaiden Workout

Shield-maiden Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Equipment required:

  • Barbell, pull up bar, treadmill, rowing machine, dumbbell or kettlebells (various sizes if possible).

Overview of exercises:

  • Treadmill and rowing stations combined with supersets of resistance and bodyweight exercises.
  • Complete the prescribed exercises below.


  • 70-80% of 1 RPM. Shieldmaidens have to be fast as well as strong.


  • As prescribed below. 


  • Be brutal on yourself.  If there are any exercises where you exceed the prescribed rest period, immediately add 10 burpees to the end of your routine.  So if you stop quite a bit these may build up!! Keep the rest periods short!!

Stations Explained

5 minutes on the treadmill

(Interval sprints – First round aim for 3/4 to ensure thoroughly warmed up). 30 seconds work (sprints) 30 seconds recovery pace.)

Treadmill Sprints. Cardio Work. Shield-maiden Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.
30 seconds work (sprints) 30 seconds recovery pace.)

EMOM X 3 rounds

Cycle through the exercises listed.  EMOM = ‘Every Minute On the Minute.  Perform one set of exercises listed below each minute.  For the 1st minute undertake military presses, 2nd minute undertake pull-ups.  After 5th round completed then return to the military press until you have completed 3 rounds of each (15 minutes).

  1. Barbell military presses – x 12 reps.
  2. Pull-ups – x 10 reps.
  3. Triceps dips/biceps curls – x 10 reps with each exercise.
  4. Deadlifts – x 10 reps.
  5. Dynamic jump lunges with DB – x 20 reps.
Functional Circuit. Shield-maiden Workout. Warrior Workouts.

5 minutes on the rowing machine

Rowing machine. Cardio Work. Shield-maiden Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.
10 minutes of rowing. 30 seconds hard rowing, 30 seconds easier pace.

Mini-circuit 4 X rounds

Work your way through the list and then repeat x 4 rounds.

  1. Bear crawls – x 50 ms run back.
  2. 60-second plank.
  3. Toe touchers – x 30 reps (15 each side).
  4. Spiderman pushups – x 10 reps (each side).
  5. Jump squats – x 20 reps.
Functional Circuit. Shield-maiden Workout. Warrior Workouts.

5 minutes on the treadmill

(Interval sprints – First round aim for 3/4 to ensure thoroughly warmed up). 30 seconds work (sprints) 30 seconds recovery pace.)

Treadmill Sprints. Cardio Work. Shield-maiden Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.
30 seconds work (sprints) 30 seconds recovery pace.)

Summary of exercises:

  • 5 minutes on the treadmill  (Interval sprints –  30 seconds work (sprints) 30 seconds recovery pace.)

  • EMOM x 3 rounds

    1. Barbell military presses.
    2. Pull-ups.
    3. Triceps dips/biceps curls.
    4. Deadlifts.
    5. Dynamic jump lunges.
  • 5 minutes on the rowing machine (30 seconds work (sprints) 30 seconds rest. 30 seconds recovery pace).

  • Mini-circuit 4 x roundsWork your way through the list and then repeat x 4.
    • Bear crawls.
    • 60-second plank.
    • Ankle touchers.
    • Spiderman pushups.
    • Jump squats.
  • 5 minutes on the treadmill 

    (Interval sprints – 30 seconds work (sprints) 30 seconds recovery pace.)

Whichever workout you undertake

Remember to cool down and drink water!

Workout Complete!!

Victory!! Time for that obligatory Viking selfie after another successful raid.
Victory!! Time for that obligatory Viking selfie after another successful raid.

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