Wonder Woman. Amazon Warrior Workout.Gym Workouts for Women.

Wonder Woman. Amazon Warrior Workout

Welcome to our Wonder Woman, Amazon Warrior Workouts! Full body functional workouts designed to develop core strength and muscular endurance.

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Truth or Fiction?

In comic book and film franchises like Wonder Woman, the Amazons dwell in the realm of fairy tale and make-believe.  Here they are portrayed as stunning, makeup wearing, scantily clad warriors imbued with legendary strength and abilities.  Did these athletic, badass, warrior women ever exist? Hmm, I wonder…The legend of the Amazons has been largely written off by historians in the past as a creation of Greek scribes inventing monsters for dramatic effect.  Let us investigate…

Amazon Workout. Combat Workout. Functional. Super Soldier Project.
True origins of the Amazons?

However, these nomadic warrior women may have been from tribes such as the Scythian, the Sarmatian’s and the matriarchal tribe known as the Oiorpata (man/human killers/beaters) who inhabited the steppes of Asia around the Caucasus Mountains between 900 and 200 BC to current research.

What the Greeks say...

Greek sources that refer to these tribes describe women warriors who shot from horseback alongside the men. It is believed that it was this method of fighting, combined with their nomadic lifestyle and the need for highly skilled riders, that led to this inclusion of women in the fighting force.

They were cavalry experts, preferring to stay on horseback and use spears, bow-and-arrows, and axes. Their style of fighting was to only get off your horse if absolutely necessary.  They used the bow from a distance until they could close with the spear for the kill.

Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Conditioning. Total Body Workout. Super Soldier Project.

When the Greeks encountered the Oiorpata, they were horrified to find cannabis smoking, hard-drinking warriors who perceived men as equals and refused to let anyone just walk over them. They undoubtedly gave the Greeks a hard time in battle due to their cavalry hit and run tactics in comparison to the Greeks straight up fight, heavy infantry tactics.

This must have been humiliating for the Greek armies.  Perhaps this explains the heavy propaganda about lesbianism, mutilating their own breasts, and neutering captured men (although maybe that happened too!).

Slayer of Cyrus the Great

One of the most famous of the Matriarchs of the tribes of the Steppes (Tomyris, queen of the Massegetai) is responsible for the death of the legendary ‘King of Kings’ Cyrus the Great of Persia.  He wanted her kingdom and offered to marry her for it.  She declined, so of course, they fought each other instead.

(According to Herodotus) Cyrus was killed and Tomyris had his corpse beheaded and then crucified the body.  Not satisfied, she then shoved his head into a wineskin filled with human blood!

Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Conditioning. Total Body Workout. Super Soldier Project.
Dont screw with the Amazons, theyll pepper you with arrows, spear and behead you, then serve your head up in blood.

"I warned you that I would quench your thirst for blood, and so I shall!"

Tomrys to the defeated Cyrus the Great (according to Herodotus).

(Make sure you have the same attitude on these workouts!)

Amazon Queen Circuits

These real-life Amazon warriors must have had tremendous lower body physical strength to remain on horseback for long periods.  Insane core strength, motor skills and coordination are required to horse ride and shoot a bow or spear throw simultaneously.  To fire a compound bow requires tremendous upper body strength particularly in the chest and back regions.  As such the circuits below will be aimed at increasing these physical attributes. I hope you enjoy our Wonder Woman circuits!!

Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Conditioning. Total Body Workout. Super Soldier Project.
Amazon women masters of the bow and horse-riding.

'Diana' Circuit

Equipment Required: A sandbag, A BOSU Ball, A punchbag. Dumbbell or kettlebell and a Plyo box.

Set and Reps: We are aiming for 3X rounds of this workout. 2X rounds if a beginner. 4 X rounds if advanced.

Superset 1

  1. Barbell squats 4 rounds of 12 reps (80% maximum rep).
  2. Dumbbell step-ups 4 rounds of 15 reps (Lightweight dumbbells).
Amazon Workout. Barbell Back Squat and Dumbbell Step Up. Compound Exercise. Total Body Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 2

  1.  Dumbbell chest press 12 reps total (6 reps with a heavier weight, 6 reps with a lighter weight).
  2.  Press ups – x 12 reps.
Amazon Workout. Combat Workout. Functional Training. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 3

  1. Pull Ups x 10 reps (or variation – Deadhangs, Australian Pull ups, TRX rows etc).
  2. Dumbbell Rows – 4 rounds of 12 reps.
Amazon Workout. Combat Workout. Functional Training. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 4

  1. Tire flips for 1 minute.
  2. Burpees for 1 minute.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 5

  1.  Kettlebell swings 4 rounds of 20 swings.
  2.  Shuttle runs – 50m jog, 25m sprint for 1 minute.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 6

  1. Medicine ball Russian twists for 20 reps.
  2. Medicine ball wall throws for 1 minute.

Superset 7

  1. Plyo box jumps for 1 minute (Brief hold of squat on descending to the floor).
  2. Medicine ball press ups for 20 reps.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.
Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman wouldn't quit, and neither should you, get back at it!!

'Artemis' Circuit

Equipment required: A Barbell, A BOSU Ball, A punchbag. Dumbbell or kettlebell and a Plyo box.

Set and reps: We are aiming for 3X rounds of this workout. 2X rounds if a beginner. 4X rounds if advanced.

Superset 1

  1. Barbell deadlifts 12 reps (80% maximum rep).
  2. Pistol squats 16 reps – 8 each leg. (TRX or Dumbbells).
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 2

  1. TRX Chest press 4 rounds of 12 reps.
  2. Incline/Decline press ups 4 rounds of 16 reps (8 declines, 8 inclines).
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 3

  1. TRX back rows 4 rounds of 12 reps.
  2. Back extensions 4 rounds of 12 reps.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 4

  1. Battle rope slams for 1 minute.
  2. Jump squats for 1 minute.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 5

  1. Kettlebell one armed swings – 4 rounds of 20 swings (2 rounds for each arm).
  2. Shuttle runs – 50m jog, 25m sprint for 1 minute.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 6

  1. Medicine ball slams for 1 minute.
  2. Hollow rocks 20 reps.
  3. Prone cobras for 20 reps.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Superset 7

  1. Medicine ball triceps press ups for 20 reps.
  2. Dynamic jump lunges for 20 reps.
Functional Exercises. Amazon Workout. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Super Soldier Project.

Whichever workout you undertake. Remember to cool down and drink water!

Workout Complete!!

Wonder Woman. Workout complete.
Workout complete! Now you are ready to take on the world!

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