Lockdown Workout IV. Home Workouts.

Lockdown Workout IV

Welcome to Lockdown Workout IV!!  The final part in our series of Lockdown Workouts.  For those times when you stuck at home, with no access to the gym. For any returning, skip the intro and get to it!


During the Covid era, I came up with a series of posts on ‘Prison style – Lockdown’ workouts. That could be done anywhere, with little equipment.  The idea being that you had no excuses for not doing them.  They consisted of a lot of bodyweight exercises, mixed with functional stuff, boxing, martial arts moves, with some prison yard weights thrown into the mix.  The old posts became a bit dated, plus the nonsense they inflicted on us during that era, is something I try not to remember (but always will).

Out of something bad comes something good.  The workouts were fun at least and I decided to do more at a later date.  These workouts are for those times where you can’t get out to the gym, and you have basic weights available.  Stuck at the office? At home, waiting for delivery men? This is what these workouts are for.

Exercising at home vs Netflix/Video Games

  • Exercise is a healthy coping mechanism for tackling stress. Burn that negative energy out of your system and put it to good use!
  • Exercise keeps you away from unhealthy coping mechanisms (alcohol/drugs/cigarettes).  Aim to make progress not self-destruction.
  • Apathy – one of the seven deadly sins can kick in all too easy if you let it.  Turn Netflix off, at least for an hour and get active!
  • Once the pandemic is contained you are going to have to go back to work and your normal routine. Do you want to go back as a slob or fighting fit and ready for duty?
  • A healthy body creates a positive outlook which creates a healthy mind. Stay active, stay positive.

"The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen."

The Circuit

Warm ups

(Always warm up before starting any routine).  Start by performing mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist and neck muscles.  Use light core stretches to activate the muscle groups we shall be using.

After mobility drills use three rounds of the warm-up drills below.

The Exercises

  • Equipment required: The exercises in the Lockdown Workout IV will be a combination of bodyweight exercises and dumbbell or kettlebell exercises (doesn’t matter which one you have).  If you don’t have access to weights of any kind then it’s time to get creative. Consider using plastic bottles with handles in place of weights (for ideas see our section on Home Workout equipment).
  • Lockdown Workout IV contains 2 circuits to choose from (below).  Each contain 10 exercises.
  • In between each round will be ‘recovery’ exercises to keep the blood pumping.
  • 45 seconds of work per exercise. Then 30 seconds of your chosen recovery exercise. (Beginners can use the 30 seconds for recovery). Intermediate/advanced do 30 seconds recovery exercises. 1 minute rest at the end of each round.
  • with 2-4 rounds each (dependent on level and ability).  Do each exercise reps as prescribed and flow from one exercise to the next.
  • x2 rounds (beginner), x3 rounds (intermediate) or x4 rounds (advanced)
  • Concentrate on good effort and technique and try not to exceed rest times.  Keep going.

Circuit 1

45 seconds per exercise. On completion move onto recovery exercise (below for 30 seconds) then start next exercise in the list. 

  1. 1-2 punch duck and roll.
  2. Reverse crunches.
  3. Alternate knee strikes.
  4. MMA kick outs. (Keep hips low to the floor at the start, when kicking out fully extend to drive the kick. Alternate legs.)
  5. Alternate teep push kicks to the bag.
  6. Hollow Rocks.
  7. Dynamic push ups.
  8. Mountain climbers with rotation.
  9. One legged burpee.
  10. Sprints. (Run to one end of the room, full sprint on return).

Recovery Exercises (between exercises)

Take your pick of the exercises below. Doesn’t matter what you choose as long as you keep moving) 30 seconds then onto next exercise in the above circuit. 

a. Jump rope.

b. High knees.

c. Jumping jacks.

d. Shadow boxing rounds.

Circuit 2

45 seconds per exercise. On completion move onto recovery exercise (below for 30 seconds) then start next exercise in the list. 

  1. MMA Sprawls. From standing, kick legs out behind you, drop to the floor landing on palms of hands. In ‘push up’ position return to your feet.
  2. Reverse burpees.
  3. Alternate leg reverse lunges.
  4. Bear crawls.
  5. Ground and pound on floor bag/pillow/cushion. (Use several strikes, switch sides).
  6. Shoulder push ups.
  7. Burpees.
  8. Alternate ankle touchers.
  9. MMA kick-throughs.
  10. Sprints. (Run to one end of the room, full sprint on return).

Recovery Exercises (between exercises)

Take your pick of the exercises below. Doesn’t matter what you choose as long as you keep moving) 30 seconds then onto next exercise in the above circuit. 

a. Jump rope.

b. High knees.

c. Jumping jacks.

d. Shadow boxing rounds.

After your prescribed rounds you are done!

Whichever workout you undertake Remember to cool down, stretch and drink water!

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