SSP Commandments

Super Soldier Project Commandments

SSP commandments

To make effective changes with anything in life it always helps if you have a belief system or ethos in place. A set of core ideas to get behind to reshape your thinking and spur you forward through adversity.

Welcome to the Super Soldier Commandments, our very own ethos. 14 rules to live by that will help you overcome the hardest obstacles!

No Excuses, Ever!

SSP Commandments. Procrastination. No excuses. Do it now.

On ‘Rest’ days, make it active rest, light swimming or a long walk. Train every day, if you don’t feel like it or are ill. Go to the gym and promise to do just one thing! See where it takes you if you feel like doing more do more, if not then don’t, you have done that one thing!! Age is not an excuse, ability/disability is not an excuse. Get it done.

Find your own way

Running in rain. Cardiovascular fitness. Fat burning. Super Soldier Project.

There are many options out there with regards to what you can do to train. Do you like weights? Lift weights!! Cardio? Dancing? Do that!! Tailor your exercise regime to your specific goals. Be active and have fun!

Absorb what is useful, and discard the rest.

Absorb what is useful, and discard the rest. SSP Commandments.

Bruce Lee couldn’t have put it any better. Something not working out for you? Recognise it and make the necessary changes.

Make use of your environment. 

Water container Back Rows. Training with everyday items. Upper Body and Core Exercises. Makeshift Gym Equipment. Train everyday. Super Soldier Project.

Everything around you can be used as a training tool with a little imagination.

Spartan mentality

Adopt a Spartan mentality. SSP Commandments.

To train is to improve your life.  Get out of your comfort zone. Be harsh with yourself, monitor your goals with the passion of a zealot. Alway forward, never back.

Remove all distractions to your training.

No distractions. SSP Commandments.

No phones (or on aeroplane mode if using training apps!) Accept no interruptions. Get rid of clutter, keep only training tools that are useful. 

Own your life choices. Be responsible.

Comfort eating for stress. Overcoming fear. Overcoming anxiety. Stress management.

Did you overeat? A heavy night out boozing scupper your training plans? That’s on you and no one else, nobody forced you to do it.  Accept the bump in the road, and find a way to compensate.

Monitor your behaviours, emotions, mood swings, cravings.

Keeping a journal. Motivation. Cardiovascular fitness. Fat burning. Super Soldier Project.

The things that make you weak, learn coping mechanisms and workarounds to deal with them effectively so they don’t sabotage your gains.

Find your heroes, get motivation!!

There are plenty of Super Soldiers out there, go find them, read their stories and be inspired!!

Don't envy the success of others

Learn from other people, study them and pick up what you can.  You should only ever be competing against yesterdays version of yourself.

Like the Marines motto 'Adapt, Improvise, Overcome'. 

Life is Jujitsu.  Always trying to choke us out, but fear not, there is always an escape or counter to every situation no matter how difficult.  Find it.

Self-centric attitude to training.

Functional Training Methods. Sandbag Workout. Full Body Workouts. Core Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Sounds incredibly selfish, but when it comes to training nothing must upset your apple cart. At a wedding? Train before it, train in the hotel. Never ditch a training session.

Embrace your fears

Coping mechanisms. Stress management. Healthy living. Mindset.

Nothing wrong with being anxious about new things, the trick is not to let the fear cripple you into inactivity.  Scared of trying a new activity? Then you have to do it!!

Aim high. Fulfil your potential

Aim High, fulfill your potential. SSP Commandments.

Aiming high is fine, aiming low? Not so good. 😀 Be realistic with your goals but ultimately you want to push yourself as hard as possible!

Sign up today and receive a FREE pdf booklet on Callisthenics and Bodyweight Workouts!!! 

Ready for battle? Try some of our other Warrior Workouts!!

Warrior workouts. Train Anywhere, Anytime. No Excuses. Super Soldier Project.
Workouts for the Elite only – Not for the fainthearted!!
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