Operation Kettlebell Wrath. Kettlebell Commando Raids. Strength, balance and endurance workouts. Fat burners. AMRAP. EMOM. TABATA. Super Soldier Project.

Kettlebell Wrath

Mission Briefing

Welcome to Kettlebell Wrath, the first in our series of Kettlebell Commando Raids.Brutal and efficient workouts that get the job done and do not leave you short on time!  The workouts found here will be a combination of MetCon and HIIT style workouts, incorporating AMRAP, EMOM and TABATA circuits.  They will provide you with muscular strength and endurance, improve your cardio and are guaranteed to torch fat.

The emphasis on these workouts is working as hard as you can in the time that you have.  The circuits are designed to be easily scalable to allow for time constraints whilst providing a tough and challenging workout.  They will ensure that you don’t stray on the path to making progress during busy working weeks!

Operation Kettlebell Wrath. Kettlebell Commando Raids. Strength, balance and endurance workouts. Fat burners. AMRAP. EMOM. TABATA. Super Soldier Project.


  • The Kettlebell Wrath circuit comes in two parts that can be scaled up or down easily depending on ability and time constraints. 
  • Push hard, don’t settle for a lesser workout if you have time to kill. 
  • Concentrate only on your technique and performance during individual reps and sets.
  • Try to go through the entire Range of Movement to maximize each move.
  • Ensure you squeeze your muscle groups at the pinnacle of each movement for maximum gains.
  • Remember to engage your core throughout.
  • Minimal rest periods.
Operation Kettlebell Wrath. Kettlebell Commando Raids. Strength, balance and endurance workouts. Fat burners. AMRAP. EMOM. TABATA. Super Soldier Project.
Now entering hostile territory. Give 'em hell!


(Always warm up before starting any routine.  Start by performing mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist, and neck muscles.  Use light core stretches to activate the muscle groups we shall be using.

After mobility drills use between 1-3 rounds of the kettlebell warm-up drills below.

The Circuit

First station

The first part is comprised of a double kettlebell flow circuit.  A kettlebell flow consists of three or more exercises, strung together and performed with one rep of each movement back-to-back in a fluid sequence. Aim high, push yourself).

The Kettlebell flow sequence

  1. Deadlifts: 2 x reps using Double KB’s.
  2. Back rows: 2 x reps using Double KB’s.
  3. Cleans: 2 x reps using Double KB’s.
  4. Racked squats: 2 x reps using Double KB’s.
  5. Overhead press: 2 x reps using Double KB’s.


  • 2 x reps of each move listed (Example: 2 x reps of back rows then immediately move onto 2 x reps of cleans).
  • Complete the flow sequence from 1 to 5 (no rest).
  • Repeat the entire flow sequence again x 3-5 times (no rest).
  • Keep rest periods short. 15-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the circuit x 5-8 times depending on level/goals.

Second circuit

The second circuit is an AMRAP style circuit (As Many Reps As Possible).  Set your stopwatch for 20 minutes and begin working your way through the list of exercises.  With each exercise undertake between 6-12 reps (depending on your level and your goals (see below).

The AMRAP exercises.

  1. KB Push-ups.
  2. Single KB Core drags.
  3. Double KB cleans.
  4. Single KB snatch (right side).
  5. Single KB snatch (left side).
  6. KB plank (hold for 30 seconds).
  7. KB overhead walks (right – 27yds/25ms).
  8. Racked KB lunges: (6-12 reps both each side).
  9. KB overhead walks (left – 27yds/25ms).
  10. Racked KB Curtsey Lunges: (6-12 reps both each side).


  • Rest only if you have to, the real rest being the change in muscle groups you are using during each different exercise.
  • If you have the time to undertake both circuits, get it done! Your body will thank you for it in weeks to come.  If you can only squeeze in one, select the circuit that works the best for you.
  • With regards to weight selection, scale as you see fit.
  • If you are looking to tone up and improve muscular endurance, go with medium-weighted KB’s and aim for higher reps and sets.
  • Likewise, if you are looking to bulk up and improve muscular strength, go with heavier KB’s and aim for lower reps and sets.

Whichever workout you undertake

Remember to cool down and drink water!

Mission Accomplished!!

Game over

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