The Winter Soldier Workout

Welcome to our Winter Soldier Workout –  Kettlebell and Soviet hardstyle workouts designed to make you unstoppable!!

Welcome to the Winter Soldier Workout – a set of workouts inspired by the enigmatic Soviet super soldier from the Marvel Universe.  This program is crafted to push your physical and mental boundaries, aiming to boost fitness levels, strength, cardio and agility. In addition to the physical challenges, it seeks to test your mental mettle.  Enhancing your powers of concentration, focus, willpower, and mental discipline. Can you adapt to the extreme conditioning of the Winter Soldier comrade?

Table of Contents



The Winter Soldier (aka James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes) is a fictional character in Marvel Comics, portrayed as an assassin and anti-hero. Barnes, first appearing in “Captain America Comics” #1 in 1941 was killed off in the comic book stories.  He was later brought back as the Winter Soldier in the 2005-2006 arc by Ed Brubaker.

The Winter Soldier’s past is shrouded in both mystery and tragedy.  He is a compelling Marvel character, trained as an assassin by the Soviets during the Cold War, he struggles with his past as Bucky Barnes. As well as being a highly skilled operative he possesses a vibranium arm that greatly enhances his strength and that he uses to great effect against opponents.

The Winter Soldier’s legacy is marked by Ed Brubaker’s impactful storytelling and Sebastian Stan’s portrayal in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A symbol of redemption, the character resonates with fans for his timeless blend of tragedy, heroism, and resilience, solidifying his place in the Marvel mythos.



Bucky Barnes was an integral part of the Captain America comics. Introduced as Captain America’s sidekick in “Captain America Comics” #1 (1941), Bucky fought alongside Steve Rogers in numerous wartime adventures. Known for his exceptional acrobatic skills and marksmanship.  He additionally revealed that Barnes’s official status as Captain America’s sidekick was a cover-up, and that Barnes began as a 16-year-old operative trained to do things regular soldiers and the twenty-something Captain America normally would not do, such as conduct covert assassinations.

In the closing days of World War II in 1945, Bucky’s fate took a dark turn when he seemingly perished in a plane explosion while on a mission with Captain America.  Both are assumed dead by the U.S. military. However, Rogers is frozen alive by the freezing waters of the North Atlantic, the super-soldier serum in his system keeping him alive and in suspended animation.

Bucky, on the other hand, is found in the water by USSR General Vasily Karpov and the crew of a Russian patrol submarine. Barely alive, his body partially preserved by the freezing waters, and is able to be revived. Along with the loss of his left arm, he has brain damage and amnesia as a result of the explosion and his time in the water. Realizing he still has his learned combat skills, expertise, and combat instincts, Karpov sends him to the secret Soviet agency Department X.

The Winter Soldier plot begins with the revelation: Bucky Barnes, previously thought dead in World War II, survived but was captured by the Soviet Union. Brainwashed and enhanced with cybernetic technologies, Bucky undergoes a transformation into the Winter Soldier, a deadly and highly skilled operative. Operating in the shadows, the Winter Soldier became an elusive and feared operative, carrying out assignments that ranged from political assassinations to destabilizing missions. His actions, influenced by Soviet interests, left an indelible mark on the geopolitical landscape of that era. 

Meanwhile, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, continues his heroics in modern times. Unaware of Bucky’s survival and transformation, he encounters the Winter Soldier on several occasions without recognizing his former sidekick. As Captain America investigates a series of mysterious assassinations, he gradually unravels the truth behind the Winter Soldier’s identity.   A gripping tale of espionage, betrayal, and redemption unfolds as Captain America races to save his friend and bring him back from the depths of darkness.

Throughout the “Winter Soldier” comic arc, readers are treated to a compelling blend of action, espionage, and emotional depth as Bucky grapples with his past atrocities while trying to regain his identity and reconnect with his former life. The storyline not only explores the bond between Captain America and Bucky but also delves into the complexities of redemption, personal sacrifice, and the repercussions of war.

Bucky Barnes assumed the mantle of Captain America in the comics during a period when Steve Rogers was presumed dead. This occurred in the aftermath of the “Civil War” storyline. In the wake of Rogers’ apparent demise, Bucky took it upon himself to honor his friend’s legacy and continue the fight for justice by becoming the new Captain America.

“Winter Soldier: The Bitter March” (2014) is a miniseries set against the backdrop of the Cold War.  The plot follows Bucky as he undertakes a classified mission deep behind enemy lines during the 1960s. Tasked with retrieving valuable intelligence, Bucky navigates through a landscape rife with espionage, political intrigue, and perilous encounters. The plot captures the essence of Bucky’s journey, emphasizing the blurred lines between heroism and anti-heroism in the tumultuous backdrop of geopolitical tensions during the Cold War.

After taking on the mantle of Captain America during Steve Rogers’ absence, Bucky finds himself on trial for the crimes committed during his time as the Winter Soldier. This arc delves into the legal ramifications of Bucky’s actions as an assassin, forcing him to confront the consequences of his past deeds. The story explores themes of accountability and justice as Bucky grapples with the moral weight of his actions, providing a poignant examination of redemption and the complexities of heroism. As Bucky strives to seek redemption, this storyline adds layers to his character, highlighting the internal struggles and external challenges he faces in reconciling his dark past with his newfound commitment to justice.

The Winter Soldier, boasts a formidable array of enhanced abilities that make him a potent force in the Marvel Universe. Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, his left arm, constructed from vibranium, grants him superhuman strength, complemented by peak agility and reflexes. Armed with an arsenal of weapons and gadgets, including a retractable knife, he is an expert marksman with deadly precision. His proficiency extends to hand-to-hand combat, blending martial arts with military training, showcasing his prowess as a master martial artist. The enhancements also provide increased endurance and durability, allowing him to withstand physical trauma and recover rapidly. Beyond his physical capabilities, the Winter Soldier is a tactical genius, excelling in strategic planning and analysis. His skills as an expert spy and infiltrator, combined with a limited regenerative healing factor, round out a diverse and lethal skill set.

Bucky Barnes’ legacy transcends his origins as Captain America’s sidekick, evolving into a complex character defined by the profound narrative of the “Winter Soldier” comic arc. This storyline, masterfully crafted by Ed Brubaker, breathed new life into Bucky, exploring themes of redemption and identity. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the “Winter Soldier” arc profoundly shapes Bucky’s portrayal, as seen in Sebastian Stan’s compelling performance. The MCU adaptation captures the character’s struggle with a dark past, the impact of brainwashing, and his pursuit of redemption, solidifying Bucky Barnes as a central and enduring figure in Marvel’s cinematic tapestry.

Considered one of the Marvel universe’s deadliest assassins, the Winter Soldier is a force to be reckoned with.

"It Always Ends In A Fight."

– James ‘Bucky’ Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

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About the Workouts


The Winter Soldier workouts are a series of seven kettlebell workouts. The Russian military of old (and even today) include the ‘Girya’ (kettlebell) in their training. As such it seemed the ‘go to’ equipment when putting together these workouts.

Note: The History of the Girya in the Russian Military

In the Russian military, the use of the girya, or kettlebell, has a deep-rooted history and significance in physical training. Kettlebell exercises are integrated into military training regimes to enhance strength, endurance, and overall physical preparedness of soldiers. The unique design of the kettlebell, with its offset centre of mass, promotes functional strength and stability, crucial for the demands of combat. These exercises, often performed with a variety of weights, emphasise full-body movements, fostering not only muscular strength but also cardiovascular fitness. The efficiency and versatility of kettlebell training align well with the practical fitness requirements of military personnel, making it a staple in the Russian military's physical conditioning programs for decades.

kettlebell training program

For the regular Joe…

Kettlebell training offers a holistic approach to fitness, targeting various areas to deliver comprehensive benefits. These dynamic workouts enhance cardiovascular endurance, as the fluid movements and transitions elevate heart rate. Strength gains are achieved through the engagement of multiple muscle groups in each exercise, fostering both functional and aesthetic improvements. The ballistic nature of kettlebell movements enhances power and explosive strength. Additionally, the incorporation of stabilising muscles promotes balance and coordination. Kettlebell training is time-efficient, as it combines strength and cardio elements in one session, making it a practical choice for busy individuals. Overall, this versatile training modality improves cardiovascular fitness, strength, power, balance, and coordination, contributing to a well-rounded and efficient approach to physical conditioning.

What weight to use

If you are familiar with kettlebell training then start with your chosen weight. You will know what weight you are happy with for certain exercises and can adapt the weight as you see fit.  If you are new to kettlebell training, start light. Technique is important, so it’s better to take the time to get the movements right.  See our beginners guide. Notes will be included alongside the exercises as to what type of weight to be using.  A general guide is:


  • New starter – 10/12 kgs.
  • Intermediate/Experienced – 16kgs.
  • Advanced – 20 kgs.


  • New starter – 8kgs.
  • Intermediate/Experienced – 12kgs.
  • Advanced – 16kgs.

NB: these are just standards, men are generally stronger physically than women. However, there are outlier women that are strong lifters and can easily go toe to toe with the men in regards to weight. If that’s the case, have at thee. Go with whatever weight you deem you can use safely and effectively. 

The routines have different objectives such as strength building, endurance etc so choose the workout of your choice and follow the instructions with regards to reps/sets/weights/rest.

Equipment required

  • For the majority of the exercises, you’ll need a kettlebell or various weighted kettlebells (always good to have a mix of heavy, medium and lighter weight to mix up the exercises).
  • If you do not have access to a kettlebell, dumbbells can be substituted for the majority of the movements.
  • If you don’t have access to any of this equipment your options are the gym (most of which will have kettlebells or at least dumbbells) or considering using home items as training equipment.
  • Many of the exercises in the workouts involve bodyweight exercises and/or martial arts drills so don’t require any equipment for those stations.

Workout Summary

  • The Winter Soldier workouts contain seven individual workouts.  
  • The seven workouts have different objectives: 1. Total Body Strength; 2. Strength Building; 3. Functional Strength and Agility; 4. Explosive Power and Core Strength; 5. Cardiovascular Endurance and Balance; 6. Core Stability and Agility; 7. Kettlebell Core Blast. So something for everyone. 
  • The weights will be outlined with the exercises. (HW – Heavier weight, MW – Medium weight, LW – Lighter weight). Ballistic kettlebell exercises (such as the kettlebell swing, heavier weights can be used), conversely, lighter weights should be used for trickier moves (such as the Cossack squat, which requires balance and stability also).
  • Ensure the weight you are using is challenging, but more importantly you are performing the exercise correctly.  If you are not, you are only cheating yourself and increasing the likelihood of injury through poor technique. If in doubt, drop the weight until you are happy. Record your performance or check out in the mirror.
  • Make your way steadily through the exercises. 
  • Concentrate on good effort and technique and try not to exceed rest times. 
  • Undertake these programmes as required. They are ideal for slotting in at any point in your training and whatever your goals are.

Trigger Words

In the Marvel Comics and MCU, the Winter Soldier was programmed with a series of key trigger words. When any of these trigger words were spoken to the Winter Soldier, he would enter a state of conditioned obedience and follow the commands of his handlers.   These words were used by HYDRA to manipulate him and turn him into a highly effective assassin. 

The Winter Soldier, is conditioned with trigger words by Hydra to initiate a state of mind control, forcing him to obey orders without resistance.

Extra Challenge

For fun/sadism’s sake we are going to incorporate these trigger words into the kettlebell workouts.  The Winter Soldier’s trigger words will be combined with high intensity exercises.  These exercises will be triggered at random for that extra burn. 

The Exercises

Below I have linked some of the Winter Soldiers ‘Trigger words’ with a corresponding exercises and reps.

  • Longing – Push-Ups x 50 reps.
  • Rusted – Bodyweight Squats x 80 reps.
  • Seventeen – Wall squat hold x 2 minutes.
  • Daybreak – Plank x 2 minutes.
  • Furnace – Pull-Ups – x 10 reps.
  • Nine – Burpees x40 reps.
  • Benign – Mountain Climbers x 100 reps.
  • Homecoming – Tricep Dips x 50 reps.
  • One – Hollow Rock Body Hold x 2 minutes.
  • Freight car – Jumping Lunges x 80 (40 each leg).

Suggestions on how to incorporate them:

  • Random selection: Tear up 20 small pieces of paper. Write down an individual trigger word (from the above) on 10 of the pieces. Leave the other 10 empty.  Scrunch the pieces up and mix them up.  At the end of each set, select a piece of paper. If it has an exercise written on it, undertake the associated exercise and reps before progressing with the kettlebell workout. Repeat at the end of each round of the workouts.
  • Partner Call-Outs: If you’re working out with a partner, have them randomly call out trigger words.  You respond immediately with the corresponding exercise.
  • Music Shuffle Challenge: Create a playlist with trigger words as song titles. Shuffle the playlist and start your workout.  When a song with a trigger word plays, transition to the designated exercise.
  • Your own choice: Feel free to be creative with trigger word selection. Use a deck of cards, dice, a phone app, anything that allows you to make a random selection of the above trigger words. Furthermore feel free to modify the exercises/reps/sets to suit your fitness level and preferences.

These workouts offer great variety and will target different areas, providing a mix of hardstyle kettlebell exercises and bodyweight drills for a challenging and effective training routine. Always perform exercises with proper form and technique to prevent injuries. Enjoy your workouts!

Разминка с гирями

Kettlebell Warmups

Remember to warm up properly before each workout and cool down/stretch afterward. 

Тренировка 1: Общая сила тела и физическая подготовка

Workout 1: Total Body Strength and Conditioning

  • Objectives: to enhance overall fitness through engaging multiple muscle groups. well-rounded routine that promotes fat loss and calorie expenditure.
  • For time: 30 mins beginner/intermediate 45 mins advanced. Do as many rounds as possible in that time. Set the clock and work through each station, completing the required number of reps. Immediately move onto the next exercise. 
  • Rest: Between stations – No rest, straight onto the next station. On circuit completion – 45 secs max beginners. 30 seconds – Intermediate. 15 seconds – Advanced.


  1. Kettlebell Goblet Squats x 12 reps.
  2. Kettlebell Deadlift – x 12 reps.
  3. Combat Sprawls – x 20 reps.
  4. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up – 3 x reps each side.
  5. Push-Ups – x 15 reps
  6. Kettlebell Swings (Hardstyle) – x 20 reps.
  7. KB/DB biceps curls – x 20 reps.
  8. KB/DB Triceps Extensions – x 12 reps.
  9. KB/DB Sumo Squats – x 12 reps.
  10. Shadow Boxing – x 2 minutes round.
  11. Reverse burpees – x 10 reps.
  12. Kettlebell Clean and Press – x 10 reps.
  13. KB/DB Lunges – x 20 reps each side
  14. Kettlebell Figure 8’s – x 10 reps in each direction (20 total).
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light cardio and static stretches.

Тренировка 2: Развитие силы с гирями (тяжелая)

Workout 2: Kettlebell Strength Builder (Heavy)

  • Objectives: Robust strength development, targeting engagement of major muscle groups, for comprehensive strength. The workout incorporates heavy kettlebells to intensify resistance, promoting both power and endurance. Emphasises controlled, challenging movements, it aims to enhance overall strength and increased caloric burn and efficient muscle development.
  • Sets/Reps: As prescribed per exercise. Low reps, increased sets. Make your way through each station, finishing the required amount of sets and reps before moving onto the next station.
  • Rest: At least 2-3 minutes per set to allow the muscles adequate time to recover.  This rest duration allows for adequate recovery, ensuring you can exert maximum effort during each set. It aids in replenishing energy stores and minimises fatigue, enabling you to maintain proper form and lift heavier weights for subsequent sets.  


  1. Kettlebell Deadlift – 6 sets x 6 reps.
  2. Kettlebell Racked Squats – 6 sets x 6 reps.
  3. Kettlebell Cleans – 6 sets x 6 reps each side.
  4. Kettlebell Gorilla Rows – 6 sets x 8 reps each side.
  5. Kettlebell Triceps Extensions – 6 sets x 8 reps each side
  6. Kettlebell High Pulls – 3 sets x 2 minutes
  7. Kettlebell Heavy swings – 5 sets x 10 reps.
  8. Kettlebell Suitcase Carry: Hold a kettlebell in one hand and walk while keeping your body upright, engaging your core and obliques.
  9. Kettlebell Floor Press:
  10. Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk: Hold a kettlebell in each hand and walk for a set distance or time, engaging your grip strength and core.
  11. Kettlebell Z-Press: Sit on the floor with legs extended, press the kettlebell overhead while keeping your back straight, targeting shoulders and core.
  12. Kettlebell Step-Ups: Holding a kettlebell in one hand, step up onto a bench or platform, engaging your glutes and legs
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light cardio and static stretches.

Тренировка 3: Функциональная сила и ловкость

Workout 3: Functional Strength and Agility

  • Objectives: This workout is designed to enhance overall fitness by engaging multiple muscle groups, elevating heart rate for improved cardiovascular endurance, and prioritising practical strength. With a focus on flexibility, mobility, and core stability, the workout integrates power-building ballistic movements.  A well-rounded routine that promotes fat loss and calorie expenditure.
  • Reps/Sets: As prescribed per exercise. Higher reps, less sets. Some of the exercises will require lighter weights so look out for the prompts on those.
  • Rest: Between sets/reps – Beginners – 90 seconds. Intermediate – 1 minute. Advanced – 45 seconds.


  1. Kettlebell Renegade Rows – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 reps total).
  2. Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squats – 3 sets x 12 reps each side.
  3. MMA Kick throughs – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  4. Kettlebell Windmills – 3 sets x 12 reps each side
  5. Bodyweight Pull-Ups or Rows – 3 sets x 10 reps.
  6. Kettlebell Snatch and lunge – 3 sets x 8 reps each side
  7. KB Cossack Squats – 3 sets x 8 reps each side
  8. KB push ups and drag – 3 sets x 20 reps (10 each side).
  9. Pistol squats – 3 sets x 10 reps each side
  10. Bear Crawls – 3 sets x 20 yards
  11. Kettlebell Figure 8’s – 16 reps (8 rotations to left, 8 to the right).
  12. Kettlebell Halos – 3 sets x 16 reps (8 rotations to left, 8 to the right).
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light cardio and static stretches.

Тренировка 4: Взрывная мощь и сила корпуса

Workout 4: Explosive Power and Core Strength

  • Objectives: This workout focuses on generating explosive power through dynamic movements, promoting strength and agility. There is also an emphasis on core strength, engaging abdominal and stabilising muscles for overall body control.  The workout aims to efficiently burn calories and contributes to a well-rounded, powerful, and stable physique.
  • Format: Complete one station, move onto the next. Complete x3 sets of each station if beginner/intermediate. x3 stations if advanced.
  • Timed circuits: 3 x 45 seconds stations unless stated.
  • Rest: Between sets/reps – Beginners – 1 minute. Intermediate – 45 seconds. Advanced – 30 seconds.


  1. Kettlebell Swings (Hardstyle) – 3 x 45 seconds.
  2. Kettlebell Push Press – 3 x 45 seconds.
  3. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up – AMRAP x 2 minutes.
  4. Burpees with Plyometric Jump – 3 x 45 seconds.
  5. Kettlebell Thrusters – 3 sets x 45 seconds.
  6. Kettlebell Snatch (Alternate arms) – 3 x 45 seconds.
  7. Combat Sambo Ground ‘n’ Pound – 3 sets x 2 minutes
  8. Plyo Push-Ups – 3 sets x 8 reps.
  9. Bodyweight Squat Jumps – 3 x 45 seconds.
  10. Med Ball Lateral Throws  – 3 x 45 seconds.
  11. Kettlebell Alternating Cleans: 3 x 45 seconds.
  12. Shadow Boxing round  – 2 x minutes.
  13. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up – AMRAP x 2 minutes.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light cardio and static stretches.

Тренировка 5: сердечно-сосудистая выносливость и баланс

Workout 5: Cardiovascular Endurance and Balance


Objectives: This workout is crafted to boost overall fitness by involving multiple muscle groups.  It aims to elevate heart rate for improved cardiovascular endurance, and prioritising functional strength. Promoting fat loss and calorie expenditure. Additionally, it integrates exercises that enhance flexibility, mobility, and core stability. The routine efficiently includes power-building ballistic movements and remains adaptable for various fitness levels. 

Format: Work through each station in order. Complete the required reps before moving onto the next station.  The amount of sets you do is dependant on your level.  Beginners/intermediate – x3 sets. Advanced – x4 sets.

Rest: Between rounds – Beginners – 1 minute. Intermediate – 45 seconds. Advanced – 30 seconds. No rest between stations.

  1. Kettlebell Clean and Press – x 12 reps each side.
  2. Kettlebell Dragon Lunges – x 12 reps each side
  3. Burpees/Reverse burpees – x 1 minutes round.
  4. Kettlebell Windmills – x 6 reps each side
  5. Push-Up to Kettlebell Row – x 10 reps each side.
  6. Bodyweight Mountain Climbers – x 45 seconds.
  7. Shadow boxing – 2 minute rounds.
  8. Single kettlebell Squat variation – 8 reps (8 reps left side, 8 goblet squat, 8 r sided squat).
  9. Kettlebell flow – 2 rows/2 cleans/2 snatch = 1 rep. x 10 reps.
  10. American KB Swings – x 2 minutes.
  11. Kettlebell Man-makers – x 1 minute round.
  12. Long cycle Kettlebell clean and press – x 1 minute.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light cardio and static stretches.

Тренировка 6: Основная стабильность и ловкость

Workout 6: Core Stability and Agility


Objectives: This workout prioritises the development of a strong and stable core, employing kettlebell exercises that target the abdominal muscles and promote overall core strength. The routine also emphasises agility, incorporating dynamic and quick movements that challenge coordination and responsiveness. This mix of core stability and agility not only contributes to improved athletic performance but also enhances functional fitness for daily activities

Reps/Sets: As prescribed.

Weight: The emphasis on core and agility requires great concentration and effort as is so the weight on these exercises we shall keep lighter. If in doubt, start light (especially on the earlier warm up sets and see how you progress). If in doubt, drop the weight. Technique is key here.

Rest: Keep minimum. No longer than 15 seconds per station and a minute between rounds.

  1. Angel Press – 3 sets x 10 reps.
  2. Kettlebell Crawl with Drag throughs – 3 sets x 8 reps each side.
  3. Mountain Climbers – 3 sets x 5 minutes.
  4. Kettlebell Around the worlds – 3 sets x 12 reps each side.
  5. Reverse Planks with knee tucks – 3 sets of 10 reps each side (20 total).
  6. Bodyweight Bicycle Crunches – 3 sets x 20 reps each side.
  7. Kettlebell Goblet Squats – 3 sets x 12 reps.
  8. Lunges with Knee Strikes – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  9. T-Push ups – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  10. Kettlebell Russian Twists – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  11. Rolling planks – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  12. Woodcutters – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  • Cool-down: Finish each workout session with a 5-10 minute cool-down routine that includes static stretching exercises for all major muscle groups.

Тренировка 7: Взрыв ядра гири

Workout 7: Kettlebell Core Blast

  • Objectives: This workout is designed to target and strengthen the core muscles effectively. Through dynamic kettlebell exercises, it focuses on engaging the abdominal, oblique, and lower back muscles for a comprehensive core workout. The routine incorporates movements that promote stability and flexibility while providing an efficient calorie burn
  • Reps/Sets: As prescribed.
  • Weight: For this workout we shall use a medium weight kettlebell (unless stated to use light).  This ensures you can maintain proper form and technique throughout the exercises, reducing the risk of injury. It allows you to focus on engaging the core muscles effectively without compromising your posture. Secondly, a moderate weight is more sustainable for higher repetitions, which is what we need with core-focused workouts to build endurance and stability. 
  • Rest: Keep minimum. No longer than 15 seconds per station and a minute between rounds.


  1. Spiderman push ups – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  2. Kettlebell Half Get ups – 3 sets x 5 minutes
  3. In and outs – 3 sets x 20 reps.
  4. Kettlebell Bent Press (Alternate arms) – 3 sets x 8 reps each side
  5. Med ball Oblique slams – 3 sets x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  6. Decline Plank – 3 x 45 seconds.
  7. KB Rolling Thunders – 3 x 10 reps each side (20 reps total).
  8. Wall Ball Throws – 3 sets x 20 reps.
  9. Kettlebell Side Bends – 3 sets x 12 reps each side
  10. Kettlebell Leg Raises: Lie on your back, hold a kettlebell over your chest, and raise your legs up and down.
  11. Ankle touches: – 3 sets x 20 reps.
  12. Kettlebell overhead Sit-Ups: 3 x 45 seconds.
  13. Single Kettlebell swings with burpees: (Alternate arms with swings) 4 x swings + 1 x burpee = 1 rep. x10reps.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light cardio and static stretches.

Note: Fighting Style

The fight choreographer for Captain America: Civil War, who also served as Bucky's stunt double, skillfully melded various martial arts disciplines to shape the Winter Soldier's combat style. Bucky's foundation draws from Jeet Kune Do, Boxing, Combat Sambo, and Aikido, creating a dynamic and versatile approach to combat. Combat Sambo, with its emphasis on grappling without weapons, aligns seamlessly with Bucky's experiences, echoing his Russian martial arts training. Additionally, Bucky showcases proficiency in Systema, acquired during his days as a Russian assassin, reflecting a holistic combat style covering punching, grappling, knife fights, and gunplay. His extensive training repertoire further includes Karate, Boxing (forged in his 1940s war days with Captain America), and Muay Thai, showcasing the Winter Soldier's adaptability across a spectrum of martial arts disciplines.

In the Captain America sequel, the Winter Soldier’s fighting style is a dynamic fusion of martial arts, showcasing influences from Jeet Kune Do, Boxing, Combat Sambo, and Aikido. 



As with any workout, there is no point doing it if your diet is trash. So keep your eyes on the prize, and watch those portion sizes.  Try to eat meals that are plain but high in nutrients and calories.  Go higher on protein, and watch your carbs intake.  Drink plenty of water and supplement where you need to. Below, we have included the diet plan that Sebastian Stan used in his preparation for the Winter Soldier role in the Marvel Movies.

Sebastian Stan Diet

When preparing for the role of the Winter Soldier Stan followed a strict diet.  This consisted of lean protein, vegetables, healthy fats and low starch carbs. The fats were an essential to help build muscle and recover. The diet included frequent meals, around 5 to 6 per day.

Meal 1:

  • Coffee.
  • Rice cake with honey and almond butter.

Meal 2:

  • Protein shake.
  • Handful of nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews etc).

Meal 3:

  • Chicken breast.
  • Brown rice
  • Green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale etc).

Meal 4:

  • Avocado and egg whites.
  • Rice cake or rye bread.

Meal 5:

  • Fish.
  • Leafy greens.
  • Sweet potato.

Meal 6: 

  • Almond butter with fruit.
  • Banana.

Avoiding Junk and Cheat Meals

Naturally, the diet plan avoided processed foods, salt, refined sugar and did not allow for eating out or takeaway.  No junk for the Winter Soldier.  Stan allowed himself one cheat day each week. A cheat meal is beneficial in a regular nutrition plan as it provides a psychological break from strict diets.  This mental reward makes these strict kinds of diets more sustainable. It can prevent feelings of deprivation, boost metabolism by briefly increasing calorie intake, and contribute to overall well-being by allowing enjoyment of favourite foods.

Remember to cool down, stretch and drink water!

обучение завершено!!

Workout Complete!!

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