Kettlebell workouts. Functional training. Muscular endurance. Flexibility. Cardiovascular training. Kettlebells. Total body workouts.

Kettlebell Hell

Welcome to Kettlebell Hell.  4 rounds. 11 exercises. No rest. HIIT workouts and core exercises targeting muscular endurance, hypertrophy and core strength.


It was six years ago that I first came across the beloved Russian Kettlebell, a friend I trained with introduced me to them when I saw him doing Turkish get-ups at our local gym.  I asked him what was the deal with them and he ran me through some of the reasons why he included regular KB training as part of his regime. The rest is history, I have never been without them since.  Here are a few of the reasons why I like to train with kettlebells.

  • A great way of training for fat loss and conditioning.
  • Great for challenging centre of gravity, core strength and balance.
  • Improved grip and powerful forearms.
  • Cardiovascular benefit.
  • Good balance between strength, power building and cardio training.
  • Good for higher and faster rep workouts.
  • Easy to use, no adjusting weight levels, select your KB and start.
  • They don’t take much storage, no excuses for missing a workout.
Kettlebell Hell Workout. Saviour Workouts. Strength. Endurance. Flexibility. Cardiovascular. Kettlebells. Super Soldier Project.

I have since always included them as part of my weekly routine, sometimes with the emphasis on strength, sometimes cardio, high-intensity style workouts, Tabata workouts or sometimes even with lighter KB’s as part of a recovery day session.

The Kettlebell Hell workout below as the name suggests can be quite gruelling, go lighter with the weight to get your form correct before proceeding onto the heavier KB’s.  Also, be careful with the Turkish get-up, it is very important to get this one right due to the potential for shoulder injuries, good technique is a must!!


(Perform Mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist and neck muscles prior to warm-up)

3 Rounds – 20 Air Squats. 20 Jumping Jacks, 20 Press Ups. 20 Mountain Climbers. 

Quick warm up. Workouts. Functional Training. Super Soldier Project.

The Circuit

  1. Goblet squats – x 12 reps.
  2. Mountain climbers – (bodyweight exercise) x 40 reps.
  3. KB floor chest press –  x 12 reps.
  4. Alternate forward lunges  – x 20 reps (10 reps each leg).
  5. Double KB’s clean and press – x 12 reps.
  6. American style KB swings – x 30 reps.
  7. KB push-ups – x 20 reps.
  8. KB side lunges – x 10 each side.
  9. Windmills – x 12 reps each side.
  10. KB snatches – x 20 reps (10 reps each side).
Kettlebell Hell Workout. Saviour Workouts. Strength. Endurance. Flexibility. Cardiovascular. Kettlebells. Super Soldier Project.

(4X rounds. No rest between sets. 30 seconds rest between rounds).

Remember to cool down and drink water!

Workout Complete!!

Kettlebell Hell Workout. Saviour Workouts. Strength. Endurance. Flexibility. Cardiovascular. Kettlebells. Super Soldier Project.

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