Cursed Earth Circuits

Venture into the savage and wasteland outside Mega City One. This circuit contains savage callisthenics and cardio exercises that can be done outdoors or indoors. Will you adapt and survive or cave in and perish?

Main Workout

About the Circuits

  • With this circuit we will be using an ‘Ladder’ format. Ladder workouts are a structured form of exercise that involve progressively increasing or decreasing the number of repetitions or rounds for specific exercises.  Start by working through the exercises on the list below in order.  Perform a low number of reps on the first set (1-4 reps). Each set you undertake you add 1 rep to each exercise so it is gradually becoming more intense. The target is to reach 10 rounds of each exercise.
  • For example: If you start with 3 reps per exercise. First round 3 x push ups, 3 x burpees (work through list..). Second round 4 x push ups, 4 x burpees etc..
  • For real sadists, you can choose to ‘go back down the ladder’, deducting 1 rep from every further round until you are back to 1-4 reps per exercise. 
  • Rest is optional. However, only rest between rounds, none between stations. 30-45 seconds, be strict with yourself.
  • At the end of the workout, there is a ‘Finisher’.  This is a final test for your physical and mental endurance, providing a challenging finale to enhance your overall fitness. The Finishers aim to trigger the ‘afterburn effect’Boosting calorie burn post-workout and aiding fat loss and muscle development. 

Warm ups

(Always warm up before starting any routine).  Start by performing mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist and neck muscles.  Use light core stretches to activate the muscle groups we shall be using.

After mobility drills use three rounds of the warm-up drills below.

Cursed Earth Circuit 1

Beginner – Start from 1 rep and work up to 10 reps. Intermediate – Start from 3 reps and work up to 13 reps.  Advanced – Start with 15 reps and work up to 15 reps. 30-45 secs of rest on completion of a round then begin again. Continue for ten rounds. Optional – Go back down the ladder.

  1. Burpees.
  2. Incline Push-ups.
  3. Mountain Climbers.
  4. Shoulder Push-ups.
  5. Curtsey Lunges.
  6. Squat Jumps.
  7. Bicycle Crunches.
  8. Bodyweight rows/Pull ups.
  9. Bulgarian Split lunges.
  10. Triceps Dips.

Cursed Earth Circuit 2

Beginner – Start from 1 rep and work up to 10 reps. Intermediate – Start from 3 reps and work up to 13 reps.  Advanced – Start with 15 reps and work up to 15 reps. 30-45 secs of rest on completion of a round then begin again. Continue for ten rounds. Optional – Go back down the ladder.

  1. Triceps extensions.
  2. Bench Box jumps.
  3. Archer Push ups.
  4. Dynamic Jump Lunges.
  5. Handstand Pushups.
  6. Dragon Flags.
  7. 5 second sprints (then 10, then 15 etc – to 50 secs sprint on final round).
  8. Nordic Hamstring Curls.
  9. Pistol Squat
  10. L-Sit Hold.

Cursed Earth Circuit 3

Beginner – Start from 1 rep and work up to 10 reps. Intermediate – Start from 3 reps and work up to 13 reps.  Advanced – Start with 15 reps and work up to 15 reps. 30-45 secs of rest on completion of a round then begin again. Continue for ten rounds. Optional – Go back down the ladder.

  1. Clock Lunges.
  2. Sumo Squat.
  3. Kneeling To Standing:
  4. Judo push-up. 
  5. Suicide Planks.
  6. Forearm Side Plank Twists.
  7. Side plank crunches.
  8. Lizard crawl.
  9. Plank Jacks.
  10. Explosive Pushup.


The Long Walk

The Long Walk is a challenging 5-minute finisher mimicking the final journey of retiring Judges in the world of Mega-City One. This finisher is a test of strength, grip strength, and unyielding endurance.  It’s your final walk, go out like a champ!

About the Circuits:

  • Weighted walks (such as the ‘farmers carry) can bring a range of benefits. These include improved grip strength, full-body engagement, functional strength, and cardiovascular endurance. Weighted walks also promote better posture, core stability, and balance. They offer variety in training, build mental toughness, and are time-efficient. Plus, they’re easily scalable to match your fitness level and goals.
  • Using 55 to 60% of what you can pick up, walk as long as you can for 5 mins. If the weight is too much, readjust and try again.
  • For Conditioning: Load up your equipment with 60 to 65% of what you can lift.

Choose your walk:

There are a variety of different walks on offer, each challenging in its own way. The choice is yours…

  • Suitcase Carry: Holding a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand.  This adds an element of core stability as you resist the weight’s pull to one side.
  • Farmers Carry: 2x dumbbells/kettlebells. 
  • Waiter’s Walk: Similar to the Single-Arm Farmer’s Walk but with the weight held overhead, like a waiter carrying a tray. This variation challenges your shoulder stability and core strength.
  • Rack Carry: Hold a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells in a racked position (at shoulder height) and walk. This variation emphasises the shoulders, upper back, and core.
  • Sandbag Carry: Load a sandbag with a challenging weight and carry it on your shoulder or across your back. This uneven load engages your stabilising muscles.
  • Zercher Carry: Hold a barbell or sandbag in the crooks of your elbows (the Zercher position) and walk. This variation heavily engages your core and upper body.
  • Trap Bar Carry: If you have access to a trap bar (hex bar), load it up with weight and carry it. The trap bar carry is easier on the lower back compared to traditional deadlifts.

Remember to cool down, stretch and drink water!

Workout Complete!!

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