Mega-City One Circuits

Step into the bustling streets of Mega City One with this series of functional circuits. This circuit involves box jumps, ladder drills, and utilises functional equipment like medicine balls, battle ropes, and sandbags to prepare you for the challenges of life on the street. 

Main Workout

About the Circuits

  • With this circuit we will be using an ‘Eliminator’ format. Essentially you begin an eliminator workout with a big list of exercises. Each exercise has a target number of reps. Beginning at the top of the list, complete one exercise at a time. Once you have completed the required number of reps of that exercise, it is removed from the list.  You then move onto the next exercise.
  • Even though it is one round of each exercise, the reps are generally higher than found in your average circuit than in a regular circuit set up. Furthermore, each exercise has to be completed in order before moving onto the next. This means the muscle groups in each will be working to probable failure (you may need to rest on some exercises, but make it brief!!)
  • The Mega-City One Circuits have 3 individual ‘Eliminator’ workouts to choose from.  
  • At the end of the workout, there is a ‘Finisher’.  This is a final test for your physical and mental endurance, providing a challenging finale to enhance your overall fitness. The Finishers aim to trigger the ‘afterburn effect’Boosting calorie burn post-workout and aiding fat loss and muscle development. 

Equipment required

  • Functional equipment. Many you may have, some you might have to substitute if you don’t have access to a gym.
  • Some of the exercises in the workouts involve bodyweight exercises and so don’t require any equipment for those stations.
  • Consider using home items as training equipment if you are missing equipment.

Warm ups

(Always warm up before starting any routine).  Start by performing mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist and neck muscles.  Use light core stretches to activate the muscle groups we shall be using.

After mobility drills use three rounds of the warm-up drills below.

Mega-City Circuit 1

For time, when all stations and reps are complete. No to little rest.

  1. Tire Flips (if available) – 4 x 1 minute rounds.
  2. Prowler Pushes – 4 x 1 minute rounds.
  3. TRX Rows – x60 reps.
  4. TRX Chest Press – x60 reps.
  5. Stability Ball Rollouts – x60 reps.
  6. TRX Front Squat – x 60 reps.
  7. Slam Ball Overhead Throws – x60 reps.
  8. Resistance Band Woodchoppers – x40 reps (each side 80 reps total).
  9. Resistance Band Plank Pulls – x40 reps (each side 80 reps total).
  10. Plyo Box Step-Ups – x40 reps (each side 80 reps total).
  11. TRX Pike – x60 reps.
  12. Sandbag Squats – x60 reps.

Mega-City Circuit 2

For time, when all stations and reps are complete. No to little rest.

  1. Kettlebell Clean and Press – x60 reps.
  2. Box Jumps (with different heights) – x60 reps.
  3. Landmine Squats – x60 reps.
  4. TRX Pistol Squats – x60 reps.
  5. Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls – x60 reps.
  6. Bench Press (barbell or dumbbell) – x60 reps.
  7. Deadlifts (barbell or dumbbell) – x60 reps.
  8. Incline/Decline Push-Ups – x60 reps.
  9. Bent-Over Rows (barbell or dumbbell) – x60 reps.
  10. Lunges (with dumbbells) – x40 reps (each side 80 reps total).
  11. Kettlebell Swings – x60 reps.
  12. Battle Rope Waves – x60 reps.

Mega-City Circuit 3

For time, when all stations and reps are complete. No to little rest.

  1. Kettlebell Windmills – x30 reps (each side 60 reps total).
  2. Treadmill Sprints – 6 x 30 seconds rounds.
  3. Landmine Shoulder Press – x60 reps.
  4. Kettlebell double cleans – x60 reps.
  5. Tire carries – 4 x 1 minute rounds.
  6. Tire pushes – 4 x 1 minute rounds.
  7. Sandbag Complex RDL, Clean, squat – x 50 reps.
  8. Sandbag drags – x30 reps (each side 60 reps total).
  9. Alternating KB Swings – x40 reps (each side 80 reps total).
  10. DB Kickbacks – x40 reps (each side 80 reps total).
  11. Swiss Ball pikes – x60 reps.
  12. Swiss ball crunches – x60 reps.


Lawmaster Challenge

Engage in “The Lawmaster Challenge,” a heart-pounding series of assault bike finishers designed to propel you toward peak cardiovascular fitness. Pedal to the max, test your endurance, speed, and determination – Dredd style.

About the Circuits

Choose an assault bike finisher from below for that final intense cardiovascular blast to end the workout:

1. Lawmaster Sprint Challenge:

  • Set a timer for 5 minutes.
  • Hop on the assault bike and pedal at maximum effort for 30 seconds.
  • Follow this with 30 seconds of active rest (pedalling at a slow pace).
  • Alternate between 30 seconds of all-out effort and 30 seconds of active rest for the entire 5 minutes.

2. Lawmaster Interval Challenge:

  • Set a timer for 8 minutes.
  • Begin with 20 seconds of all-out sprinting on the assault bike.
  • Follow with 40 seconds of slower-paced pedalling (active recovery).
  • Repeat this 20/40-second interval cycle for the entire 8 minutes.

3. Lawmaster Pyramid Challenge:

  • Set a timer for 10 minutes.
  • Start with 15 seconds of maximum effort on the assault bike.
  • Then, take a 15-second rest.
  • Increase each work interval by 15 seconds for the first 5 cycles (30 seconds max effort, 30 seconds rest, then 45 seconds max effort, 45 seconds rest, and so on).
  • After reaching the peak at 75 seconds of maximum effort, start decreasing the work interval by 15 seconds for the next 5 cycles (60 seconds max effort, 60 seconds rest, then 45 seconds max effort, 45 seconds rest, and so on).
  • Continue this pattern until you complete the full 10 minutes.

4. 'On Foot' Sprint Challenge

  • Find a suitable outdoor space or use a treadmill.
  • Sprint at maximum effort for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat for 10 rounds.

Remember to cool down, stretch and drink water!

Workout Complete!!

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