For optimal training and overall well-being, understanding the importance of micronutrients is key. Here, we dive into the world of vitamins (A-K) and minerals, and uncover the vital role they play in supporting your body’s functions.
Table of Contents
Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals required by the body in smaller amounts for various physiological functions.They support growth, development, immune function, energy production, and overall well-being, playing a vital role in maintaining good health. Micronutrients might not always find themselves in the spotlight, but think of them as the behind-the-scenes heroes of your body’s performance. They quietly work behind the scenes, driving numerous vital processes and ensuring your body runs smoothly. This post aims to shed light on these unsung heroes, revealing their critical role in your well-being. We’ll explore the significance of micronutrients, their dietary sources, and how they influence different aspects of health. Along the way, we’ll provide practical tips to help you ensure you’re getting a sufficient dose of these essential nutrients.
Maintaining Good Health
Micronutrients are the backbone of good health. While macronutrients provide energy, these little powerhouses support essential functions within your body. They’re the catalysts behind enzyme activity, playing a pivotal role in processes such as metabolism and blood cell formation. Micronutrients also lend their strength to your immune system, enhancing its ability to fend off infections and diseases. Notably, they’re key players in growth, development, and cognitive function, especially for children and adolescents.
Meeting the Demands of Physical Training
Micronutrients are vital for physical training, driving energy production and cell repair. B vitamins convert nutrients into fuel, sustaining workouts and fostering cell recovery. Additionally, vitamins like C and E, along with minerals such as zinc and selenium, act as antioxidants, mitigating exercise-induced oxidative stress. This curbs muscle damage, hastens recovery, and boosts the body’s adaptability to physical strain.
Key minerals like iron and calcium are essential for blood oxygen transport and robust bones. Iron ensures muscles receive oxygen during workouts, while calcium bolsters bone density, minimizing the risk of fractures that could impede training progress. Micronutrients form the bedrock of energy metabolism, cellular rejuvenation, and overall health, underscoring their significance in achieving successful and enduring physical training.
Adequate vitamins and minerals intake is vital to fuel the body for optimum performance during exercise.
A Balanced Diet
To guarantee an adequate intake of micronutrients, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet that encompasses a variety of nutrient-rich foods.
By prioritizing micronutrients, you can support your overall well-being and optimize your health.
This post serves as a concise guide to each individual vitamin and mineral. Offering a comprehensive reference for ensuring holistic nutrition. It breaks down their distinct contributions to health – from strengthening bones and bolstering immunity to enhancing cognitive abilities and acting as formidable antioxidants. We’ll address the implications of deficiencies and highlight natural food sources of these micronutrients. Additionally, we’ll simplify the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) to provide actionable insights for meeting your nutritional requirements. Let’s dive in and explore.
A Fat-Soluble vitamin stored in the liver. Vitamin A comes in 2 forms: Retinol found in animal products; and Beta carotene, which our bodies convert into Vitamin A.
Why you need it: Supports healthy vision, immune function, is an Antioxidant, fertility and skin health.
Risk factor:Too much vitamin A could be bad for your bones, so don’t eat A-rich liver or pate more than once a week, plus avoid taking too many supplements. Liver lovers shouldn’t have any extra vitamin A or betacarotene.
Vitamin B
Note: There are several B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, B9 (folate), and B12.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Why you need it: Converts food into energy. Transmission of electrical signals in nerves and muscles. Important in formation of red blood cells and digestive processes. Keeps brain functioning well. Powerful effect on mood and alertness.
RDA: Men aged 19-30 years: 1.3 milligrams (mg) per day. Men aged 31 years and older: 1.3 mg per day. Women aged 19-30 years: 1.1 milligrams (mg) per day. Women aged 31 years and older: 1.1 mg per day.
Deficiencies: Itchy eyes, sensitivity to bright lights. Eczema. Mouth ulcers, cold sores and cracked lips.
Risk factor:Vitamin B2 is not toxic (can result in bright yellow urine however).
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Why you need it: Helps maintain mental health. Releases energy from food. Promotes proper growth and development. Good for the heart and the circulation.
Sources: Lean meat. Whole grains. Cheese, fish egg, wholemeal bread.
RDA: Men aged 19-30 years: 16 milligrams (mg) of niacin equivalents (NE) per day. Men aged 31 years and older: 16 mg NE per day. Women aged 19-30 years: 14 mg NE per day. Women aged 31 years and older: 14 mg NE per day.
Deficiencies: Poor memory. Anxiety or depression. Headaches. Fatigue. Eczema. Diarrhoea.
Risk factor:High doses of Niacin can cause liver malfunction, flushing and headaches. No more than 100mg unless under medical supervision. Avoid taking if have liver disorders, stomach ulcers or gout.
Cheese offers a tasty package of vitamins like A, B12, and minerals like calcium, all supporting bone health and more.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Why you need it: Vital for energy. Immune system booster. Breaks down fats (potentially good for weight loss) Keeps skin and hair in good condition. Reduces stress levels.
Sources: Royal jelly. Liver and kidney. Nuts, whole grains, eggs.
RDA: Men and Women: 5 milligrams (mg) per day.
Deficiencies: Fatigue, anxiety. Poor concentration. Muscle cramps and tremors. Headaches.
Risk factor:Vitamin B5 not known to be toxic. No more than 300 mg recommended without medical supervision.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Why you need it:Converts food into energy. Maintains healthy immune system. Balances sex hormones. Keeps teeth and gums healthy.
RDA: Men aged 19-50 years: 1.3 milligrams (mg) per day. Men aged 51 years and older: 1.7 mg per day. Women aged 19-50 years: 1.3 milligrams (mg) per day. Women aged 51 years and older: 1.5 mg per day
Deficiencies: Water retention. Anxiety, irritability, depression. Tingling hands. Muscle cramps and spasms. Anaemia.
Risk factor:Prolonged high doses can cause nerve problems (pins and needles).
Chicken is a source of essential vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, phosphorus, and selenium, supporting overall health.
Vitamin B9 (Folate)
Why you need it:Critical for the synthesis and repair of DNA (genetic material in cells). Crucial for the formation of red blood cells. Supports heart health. Cognitive Function. Immune System Support. Healthy Skin. Improves mood and mental well-being.
RDA: Adults and adolescents (14-18 years): 2.4 micrograms (mcg) per day. Adults (19-50 years): 2.4 mcg per day. Adults (51 years and older): 2.4 mcg per day
Beef is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, iron, zinc, and phosphorus, contributing to overall health and vitality.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Why you need it: Keeps the skin healthy. Fights infection. Protects eyesight. Antioxidant.
RDA: Men aged 19 years and older: 90 milligrams (mg) per day. Women aged 19 years and older: 75 mg per day.
Sources:Blackcurrants. Green pepper. Mango. Oranges. Cabbage. Tomatoes. Potatoes.
Deficiencies: Bleeding gums. Easy bruising. Aches and pains. Frequent colds and infections. Red pimples on skin. Nosebleeds.
Risk factor:Enormous doses can have a laxative effect. If you have taken a large dose, don’t stop suddenly – reduce the dose gradually or you may suffer symptoms of scurvy.
Vitamin D
Why you need it: Helps build healthy teeth and bones.
RDA: Children (1-18 years): 600 – 1,000 IU per day. Adults (19-70 years): 600 – 800 IU per day.
Sources:The body can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Food sources – Cod liver oil. Herrings. Mackerel. Pilchards. Sardines. Salmon. Margarine. Tuna. Cheddar cheese.
Deficiencies: Easy bruising. Slow wound healing. Lack of sex drive. Exhaustion after exercise. Varicose veins.
Risk factor:If taking blood thinners of have diabetes, consult doctor before taking Vitamin E supplements.
Vitamin K
Why you need it: Blood clotting, helping wounds heal and preventing excessive bleeding. It also plays a role in bone health, assisting with proper calcium utilization and supporting bone density.
RDA: Men: 120 micrograms (mcg) per day. Women: 90 mcg per day.
Sources: Vitamin K comes in two forms: K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). You can find it in: Spinach, kale, broccoli. Canola, soybean, and olive oil. Salmon, mackerel. Liver, pork, beef. Cheese.
Deficiencies: Bleeding issues, longer clotting times, and increased risk of fractures.
Risk factor:Some medications can interfere with vitamin K absorption. Conditions that affect nutrient absorption, like Crohn’s disease, can lead to deficiency. Liver Issues, Since vitamin K is stored in the liver, liver problems can affect its availability. Anticoagulant Medications: These can affect vitamin K’s clotting role.
Spinach is packed with vitamins like A, C, K, and minerals like iron and magnesium.
Why you need it: Maximises bone density (keeps bones and teeth strong). Keeps your heartbeat regular. Nervous system function. Blood clotting. Maintains your immune system. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis (bone weakening/brittle bones.)
Deficiencies: Sleeplessness. Muscles cramps or twitching. Arthritis or other joint pain. Tooth decay. High blood pressure.
Risk factor:High doses can cause kidney stones (very painful). Can also interfere with absorption of other minerals.
Greek yogurt is packed with protein, probiotics, and calcium for a well-rounded diet.
Why you need it: Boosts energy and reduces fatigue. Essential for healthy blood. Strengthens immune system (destroys viruses/bacteria). Healthy growth and development.
RDA: Adult Men: About 8 milligrams (mg) per day. Adult Women (ages 19-50): About 18 mg per day.
Deficiencies:Pale skin. White/brittle fingernails. Tiredness. Sleeplessness. Loss of appetite. Itchiness. Frequent illnesses.
Risk factor:High amounts of magnesium can be toxic. If you have kidney problems consult your doctor before supplementing.
Eggs are nutritional powerhouses, packing high-quality protein, essential vitamins, and minerals into a convenient and versatile package.
Why you need it: Reduces tiredness and increases endurance. Needed for energy production. Maintains healthy bones and teeth. Needed for growth and repair.
RDA: Adults (19 years and older): About 700 mg per day.
Deficiencies:Bone pain. Weak, soft bones. Twitching muscles. Loss of appetite. Fatigue.
Risk factor: Fizzy cola may upset your calcium-phosphorus balance (it contains high amounts of phosphoric acid).
Why you need it: Helps take nutrients into body cells and push waste out.Beats fatigue. Normalises blood pressure. Maintains water balance within cells. Activates enzymes that control energy production in body. Helps digestive system function properly.
RDA: About 4,700 mg/day.
Sources:Bananas. Tomato puree. Spinach. Cauliflower. Red pepper. Potato crisps. Chicken. Oranges. Cheddar cheese. Red wine.
Deficiencies: Vomiting and diarrhoea. Muscular weakness. Low blood pressure. Extreme thirst. Swollen abdomen. Confusion and irritability.
Risk factor:If you have kidney problems or high blood pressure, seek doctors advice before taking potassium supplements.
The Banana, perhaps the most filling fruit. An excellent choice for potassium top up.
Why you need it: Maintains body’s water balance (keep body fluids from being too acidic or alkaline). Important for nerve/muscle function. Essential for life.
RDA: Adequate Intake (AI) adults – 1,500 milligrams per day. Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) – 2,300 milligrams per day.
Deficiencies: Low blood pressure. Muscle cramps. Dizziness. Loss of appetite. Headache.
Risk factor: Too much salt in diet = High blood pressure, fluid retention. (High blood pressure (hypertension) is a concern because it strains the arteries, heart, and other organs, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other serious health complications).
Why you need it: Improves wound healing. Essential for sexual health (sperm production -male. Development of healthy foetus – women.) Important in brain function, nervous system and mental alertness. Helps maintain senses of sight, taste and smell. Boosts immune system. Important for growth and development.
RDA: Adult men – around 11 milligrams (mg) per day, adult women, around 8 mg per day.
Sources:Oysters. Steak. Wheatgerm. Pumpkin seeds. Brazil nuts. Egg yolk.
Deficiencies: Frequent infections. Poor wound healing. Loss of sense of taste and/or smell. Eczema, acne or psoriasis. White flecks in fingernails. Poor appetite. Slow nail/hair growth.
Risk factor:High doses can interfere with healthy blood cell production. Consult doctor if unsure.
Why you need it: Boosts the immune system. Relieves symptoms of arthritis. Protects heart and blood vessels. Antioxidant.
Deficiencies: Tiredness. Changes in skin colour. Anaemia. Loss of sense of taste.
Risk factor:Excess copper can cause headaches, hair loss, sleeplessness and depression.
Need to top up on Copper and Zinc? Make Oysters your go-to snack.
Why you need it: Vital for brain function (healthy nerve production). Improves bone strength. Needed for production of sex hormones (such as testosterone/estrogen).Involved in thyroid hormone production (which controls rate body burns calories). Helps clean out your system. Helps stabilise blood sugar levels. Needed to make red blood cells (that carry nutrients to cells of the body). Promotes wound healing.
RDA:Adult: About 2.3 milligrams/day (men) and 1.8 milligrams/day (women).
Why you need it: Component of male sperm. Important for healthy muscles (including heart muscles). Maintains skin and hair health. Reduces dandruff. Helps to maintain skin elasticity. Powerful antioxidant (neutralises free radicals). Stimulates immune system. Helps protect from range of diseases. Needed for good eyesight.
RDA: Adults- about 55 µg/day.
Sources:Brazil nuts. Fish and shellfish. Sunflower seeds. Wholemeal bread. Walnuts. Dairy products. Fruit and vegetables.
Deficiencies:Frequent infections. High blood pressure. Age spots and premature skin wrinkling. Infertility. Cataracts. Dandruff.
Risk factor:Toxic in very small doses. Take no more than 200mg daily unless under medical supervision.
Nuts (particularly walnuts and brazil nuts) an excellent source of Selenium.
Why you need it: Healthy growth and development. Helps control metabolic rate. Useful in weight loss programmes. Relieves tiredness and fatigue.
Deficiencies:Swollen thyroid gland (in neck). Tiredness. Concentration and memory problems. Cold hands and feet.
Risk factor:High doses are toxic. Although amounts of up to 500µg a day are considered safe its best to seek medical advice if you want to exceed RDA. High doses can interfere with the action of other hormones in the body.
Why you need it: Controls blood sugar levels. May help weight control. Regulates blood pressure. Controls cholesterol levels. Involved in production of energy from fats and carbs
RDA: Men: 35 micrograms (mcg) per day. Women: 25 micrograms (mcg) per day
Deficiencies:Drowsiness. Need for frequent meals. Dizziness/irritability after 6 hrs without food. Craving for sweet foods. Excessive thirst. Hot/cold sweats.
Risk factor:Toxic if more than 1g a day is taken.
Why you need it: May reduce allergic symptoms. Antioxidant (can break down harmful substances like alcohol and sulphites). Energy booster. Promotes formation of healthy blood cells. Keeps nerves healthy.
Deficiencies:Anaemia. Tooth decay. Impotence. Irritability. Poor general health.
Risk factor:Don’t take extra doses of Molybdenum except on doctors advice. Molybdenum makes the body get rid of copper and can cause gout (build up of uric acid around the joints).
Liver, packed full of nutrients, including Molybdenum.
Micronutrient deficiencies can give rise to a range of health problems, as these essential vitamins and minerals are key players in numerous bodily functions. For instance, inadequate vitamin D can lead to weakened bones and a compromised immune system, while insufficient iron can result in anemia, causing fatigue and diminished cognitive function. A shortage of vitamin C might weaken the immune response, leaving the body susceptible to infections, and insufficient iodine can lead to thyroid-related issues affecting metabolism. Furthermore, the absence of vital B vitamins may disrupt nerve function and energy metabolism, while a lack of essential trace minerals like zinc and selenium can compromise immune function and antioxidant defense mechanisms. In essence, micronutrient deficiencies can contribute to a cascade of health concerns, underscoring the importance of maintaining a balanced diet rich in these vital nutrients.
Deficiencies? No thanks. Keep a well rounded diet to ensure all nutritional bases are covered.
Balancing the books
Micronutrient deficiencies can be prevented by consuming a varied diet that includes nutrient-rich foods. Foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy products are excellent sources of essential micronutrients. In some cases, dietary supplements may be necessary, especially for individuals with specific dietary restrictions or those at high risk of deficiency. Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional can help identify and address any potential micronutrient deficiencies. By being mindful of your nutrient intake, you can support your overall health and well-being.
Supplements are products with vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, meant to bolster diets. They compensate for inadequate food intake or support health goals. They come in various forms such as pills, capsules, powders, liquids, and gummies. Supplements can be used to address specific nutrient deficiencies, support overall health, enhance athletic performance, or manage certain health conditions.
Natural Supplements
Natural supplements are derived from whole food sources or naturally occurring substances. They often include vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, and other compounds found in nature. These supplements are touted for their potential to offer nutrients in a form that closely resembles what’s found in whole foods. They can provide an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall health. Many people prefer natural supplements as they align with the concept of a balanced and holistic approach to nutrition. Examples include fish oil capsules, herbal extracts, and whole food powders.
Natural supplements are typically taken in various forms, offering flexibility and convenience for individuals. From tablet form to herbal teas.
Chemical Supplements
Chemical supplements, often referred to as synthetic or lab-created supplements, are formulated in a controlled environment to mimic specific nutrients found in natural sources. They are designed to provide a concentrated dose of a particular vitamin, mineral, or compound. While chemical supplements can offer precise amounts of nutrients, they may lack the full spectrum of co-factors present in natural sources. These supplements can be particularly useful in addressing specific deficiencies, as their potency can be controlled. Examples include isolated vitamin and mineral supplements like Vitamin C or Calcium.
Chemical supplements.
While supplements should not replace a healthy diet, they can help bridge the gap between what your body needs and what you’re getting from food. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine if supplements are necessary for you and to get guidance on the appropriate dosage and duration. Remember, supplements should complement a nutrient-rich diet that includes a variety of whole foods. By using supplements wisely and prioritizing a balanced diet, you can support your body’s micronutrient requirements and promote overall health.
A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is the best way to ensure you get all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs for optimal health.
Micronutrients are the unsung heroes of our health, silently orchestrating essential processes like enzyme activity, immune defenses, and cognitive functions. They are the nutritional building blocks that empower our bodies to function optimally day by day.
Supplements step in when specific nutrient needs arise, such as those striving for peak sports performance or pursuing specific training goals. They offer a focused way to provide that extra edge, ensuring our bodies have the resources they need to excel. The true synergy emerges when we blend these supplements with a balanced diet. A good combination can help us to harness the full potential of micronutrients, optimizing everyday function, supporting sports endeavors, and steering our well-being toward its full potential.
Much like a finely tuned machine, neglecting your body can lead to subpar performance, while nurturing it with balanced nutrition sets the stage for optimal function and peak performance. Feed your body right, and it'll reward you with its best!
Imagine your body as a high-performance engine, and each micronutrient as a vital part that keeps it running smoothly. Just like a well-balanced recipe creates a delicious dish, combining different vitamins and minerals in your diet ensures your body functions at its best. From boosting energy for workouts to helping your muscles recover, it’s like giving your body the best possible fuel for achieving your fitness goals. So, think of your meals as a way to fine-tune your body’s engine and enjoy the benefits of peak performance and well-being!
A later post will look into various types of both natural and chemical supplements.
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