Welcome to Kettlebell Carnage, the next in our series of Kettlebell Commando Raids.These workouts are designed to be easily accessible but tough workouts that keep your fitness levels high when you are short on time. The workouts found here will be a combination of MetCon and HIIT style workouts, incorporating AMRAP, EMOM, and TABATA circuits. The exercises are aimed at developing muscular strength and endurance. They will improve your cardio levels and burning excess body fat.
The emphasis on these workouts is utilizing the short time to work as hard as you can. The circuits are designed to be easily scalable to allow for time constraints whilst providing a tough and challenging workout. Weekly time constraints from work and/or family commitments? These are the workouts for you! Get in, get the job done, and get out again.
Kettlebell Carnage Workout = 4 x Circuits. Complete each as instructed before moving on to the next. Depending on your level. 3 x rounds for beginners, 4 x rounds for intermediate 5 x rounds for more advanced.
Aim to complete all the circuits back to back (for example, finish circuit one, then straight onto circuit two).
Push hard, don’t settle for a lesser workout if you have time to kill.
Concentrate only on your technique and performance during individual reps and sets.
Try to go through the entire Range of Movement to maximize each move.
Ensure you squeeze your muscle groups at the pinnacle of each movement for maximum gains.
Remember to engage your core throughout.
Minimal rest periods.
Warm Ups
(Always warm up before starting any routine. Start by performing mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist and neck muscles. Use light core stretches to activate the muscle groups we shall be using.
After mobility drills use between 1-3 rounds of the kettlebell warm-up drills below.
The Circuit
First station
The first part is a kettlebell flow circuit. A kettlebell flow consists of three or more exercises, strung together and performed with a specific number of reps for each movement (see below). Each movement is performed back-to-back in a fluid sequence. Aim high, push yourself.
Undertake the specified number of reps for each exercise listed and then immediately move onto the next exercise listed.
On completion of exercises 1-4, return to exercise 1. Complete 5 times.
Minimal rest. 30 seconds max between rounds.
Repeat the entire flow sequence again x 3-5 times
3 x rounds for beginners. 4 x rounds intermediate. 5 x rounds Advanced.
Move onto the next circuit below.
Second station
The second circuit is a single ‘recovery’ core circuit. Lie on the floor flat on your back. Have 2 KB’s of a medium weight (for you) at hand and progress through the exercises.
KB Rolling Thunder Press: 10 x reps each side (20 x reps total).
Angel press: 10 x reps.
Reverse Crunches 10 x reps.
Turkish Get Up: 2 x reps – each side.
Repeat all sets for x 4 rounds.
Don’t rush the exercises. Ensure correct FULL Range of Movement throughout. Utilise all the muscle groups involved to maximise your gains.
Third station
The third round is another Kettlebell flow circuit. Simply perform the required reps of each exercise before moving onto the next. Perform each of the movements back-to-back in a fluid sequence.
Double KB squats: 5 x reps.
KB Lunges: 5 x reps each leg.
Deadlifts with double KB’s: 5 x reps.
KB straight leg Deadlifts: 5 x reps.
Push press using Double KB’s: 5 x reps.
Repeat the flow x5 times for 5 rounds
Undertake the specified number of reps for each exercise listed and then immediately move onto the next exercise listed.
On completion of exercises 1-4, return to exercise 1. Complete 5 times.
Minimal rest. 30 seconds max between rounds.
Repeat the entire flow sequence again x 3-5 times
3 x rounds for beginners. 4 x rounds intermediate. 5 x rounds Advanced.
Move onto the next circuit below.
Fourth station
The last part of the circuit is a bodyweight blaster. Undertake the required reps before moving onto the next exercise in the list. No rest in between. Complete 3 rounds of each exercise listed! Get it done!
Sit up crunches: 12 x reps.
Mountain Climbers 12 x reps each side – 24 x reps total.
Push-ups: 12 x reps.
Jump squats: 12 x reps.
Triceps push-ups: 12 x reps.
Dynamic Jump Lunges: 12 x reps each leg – 24 x reps total.
Repeat the exercises as fast as possible times for 3 rounds
Rest only if you have to, the real rest being the change in muscle groups you are using during each different exercise.
If you have the time to undertake all circuits, get it done! Your body will thank you for it in weeks to come. If you can only squeeze in one or a couple, select a medium-sized KB that will challenge you but not leave you struggling between transitions.
Remember to cool down and drink water when you need it!
Mission Accomplished
Extraction time soldier! you're done!!
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