Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok Workout

The Ragnar Lothbrok Workout, the latest in our Legendary Hero series. Conquer fierce Viking-inspired circuits and battle through intense training that channels the spirit of the legendary warrior. Embrace your inner Norseman and push your limits to epic proportions!

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Welcome to the Ragnar Lothbrok Workout, a training regimen designed to channel the legendary strength and endurance of the Viking warrior Ragnar Lothbrok. Inspired by his daring raids, fierce battles, and indomitable spirit, this workout will challenge you both physically and mentally.

In this workout, you’ll prepare for battle with exercises that mimic the intensity and rigor of Viking combat training. You’ll experience circuits that reflect the tenacity of Ragnar’s raids and conquests, culminating in a final circuit dedicated to his sons and their relentless pursuit of vengeance.

Prepare to push your limits through dynamic strength training, high-intensity intervals, and powerful finishers. Embrace the spirit of the Norse warriors and conquer each station with the same resolve that defined Ragnar Lothbrok’s legendary exploits.

Innovator, Warrior, Raider

Ragnar Lothbrok is a legendary figure from Norse mythology and Scandinavian sagas, revered as a fearless Viking warrior and renowned king. His story is steeped in myth and legend, blending historical accounts with fantastical elements. According to Norse sagas, Ragnar was a legendary hero who rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most famous and feared Vikings of his time. He is believed to have lived during the 9th century and is often associated with raids on the British Isles and France, as well as the legendary siege of Paris.

Ragnar Lothbrok is a legendary figure in the Norse sagas (left), known for his daring exploits. The TV show Vikings strives to bring his story to life while drawing from these rich source materials (right).

Ragnar’s exploits are chronicled in various Old Norse sagas, including the “Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok” and the “Tales of the Danes.” These sagas depict him as a cunning and ambitious leader who embarked on daring voyages of exploration and conquest, defying the odds and overcoming formidable foes. Ragnar’s legacy is shrouded in myth and mystery, with tales of his legendary battles, alliances, and conquests echoing through the annals of Viking lore, inspiring awe and admiration for centuries to come.

“The foolish man thinks he will live forever if he avoids the fight; but old age will bring him no peace, though he shuns the spear.”

(Viking Proverb)

Lord of the North Circuits

The Ragnar Lothbrok Workout features three challenging circuits inspired by the legendary Viking warrior’s epic feats. Each circuit is designed to test your strength, endurance, and determination, reflecting the intense physical demands faced by Ragnar and his crew.

About the Circuits

The aims of this workout program are to develop a perfect balance of strength, cardio, and endurance, ultimately enhancing overall fitness and functional capability. By focusing on dynamic movements, strongman techniques, and core stability, participants can expect to improve their physical resilience, agility, and power, enabling them to replicate the fitness levels of Vikings who needed to deploy quickly and efficiently for raids. Additionally, the integration of rowing between circuits provides an effective cardiovascular workout that supports fat loss and enhances endurance, making this program not only challenging but also beneficial for overall health and athletic performance.

Equipment required:

  • Traditional and functional type equipment, dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, sandbags, TRX or resistance bands, battle ropes, a tire and a box.
  • A rowing machine.


  1. Raid on Lindisfarne focuses on functional strength and explosive power, incorporating exercises like battle rope waves and dumbbell exercises to build endurance and agility.
  2. The Siege of Paris emphasizes heavy lifting and high-intensity movements. With exercises such as heavy bag lifts and sandbag overhead presses, this circuit challenges multiple muscle groups. Expect to engage your full body and develop the strength needed for sustained, intense efforts.
  3. The Great Heathen Army is dedicated to Ragnar’s avenging sons and is a comprehensive test of your athletic prowess. This circuit includes varied stations like kettlebells and tire flips, each designed to push your limits and enhance functional strength. This circuit is a well-rounded and demanding workout.
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This circuit blends functional movements, strongman exercises, and cardio to help you unleash your inner Norseman!


  • Raid on Lindisfarne: Higher reps and sets with medium weights, averaging 15 reps at 60-75% of 1RM. Recovery: 60 seconds between exercises.

  • Siege of Paris: Lower reps, approximately 8-10 reps with heavier weights at 75-85% of 1RM. Recovery: 90 seconds between sets.

  • The Great Heathen Army: Reps will be between 12-15. Weight: approx 75% of 1RPM. This circuit is a balance between the first two circuits. Recovery: 60 seconds between exercises.


The sets are dependent on your level. 

  • Huscarl (Beginner Level): x 3 sets of each circuit.
  • Berserker (Intermediate Level): x 4 sets of each circuit.
  • Jarl (Advanced Level): x 5 sets of each circuit.


3 x rounds.

Raid on Lindisfarne Circuit

Raid on Lindisfarne is a circuit designed to capture the intensity and ferocity of Ragnar Lothbrok’s daring raid. This workout focuses on functional strength and explosive power, incorporating dynamic exercises that build endurance and agility. No prisoners!

Circuit 1: Raid Preparation

  1. Battle Rope Waves/Slams: x 45 seconds (10 waves/10 slams repeat).
  2. Overhead Lunges: x 10 reps each side (20 reps total).
  3. Medicine Ball Slams: x 45 seconds.
  4. Kettlebell Swings: x 20 reps.


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Circuit 2: Siege and Conquest

  1. Box Jumps: x 45 seconds.
  2. Burpees: x 45 seconds.
  3. Dynamic Push-Ups: x 8-10 reps (choose whether to include a clap).
  4. Tuck Jumps: x 45 seconds.
  5. Sprints: x 45 seconds.


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Circuit 3: Combat and Agility

  1. TRX Rows: x 10-12 reps.
  2. TRX Chest Press: x 10-12 reps.
  3. TRX Triceps Extension: x 10 reps.
  4. TRX Front Squat: x 12-15 reps.
  5. TRX Hamstring Curls: x 10-12 reps.
  6. TRX Buzzsaws: x 45 seconds.

Alternative Circuit: Resistance Band

  1. Back Rows: x 12 reps.
  2. Chest Press: x 12 reps.
  3. Kickbacks: x 12 reps each side (24 reps total).
  4. Leg Press: x 12 reps each side (24 reps total).
  5. Push ups: x 12 reps.
  6. Crunches: x 12 reps.


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Finisher: Monastery Raid

Monastery Raid is a high-intensity smash-and-grab finisher. In this 5-minute burst, you’ll aim to complete as many reps as possible. Take everything you can get!!

  • 5 mins of Farmers walks x 25 metres (27 yds) and back. Sprints 25ms and back. Waiters walk x 25 metres and back. Then Sprints. Back to Farmers walks. Repeat for time.

Siege of Paris Circuit

The Siege of Paris emphasizes heavy lifting and high-intensity movements, capturing the relentless determination of Ragnar’s assault on the city. This circuit challenges multiple muscle groups with demanding exercises, ensuring you engage your full body and build the strength necessary for sustained, intense efforts. Break down the walls!!

Circuit 1: Raid Preparation

  1. Tire Flips: x 8-10 reps.
  2. Sandbag Hoists: x 8-10 reps (alternate shoulders).
  3. Sandbag Overhead Presses: x 10 reps.
  4. Farmer’s Walk: x 1 minute rounds.


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Circuit 2: Siege and Conquest

  1. Sandbag Get Ups: x 16 reps (x 8 reps each side).
  2. Kettlebell Snatches: x 12 reps each side (24 reps total).
  3. Weighted Step-Ups: x 10 reps per leg (20 reps total).
  4. Medicine Ball Overhead Throws: x 10 reps (each side 20 reps total).
  5. Sled Rope Pulls: x 1 minute (on completion sled push back to start position and repeat for time).


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Circuit 3: Combat and Agility

  1. Barbell Landmine Obliques and Squats: x 10 reps each side (obliques) and x 15 reps squats.
  2. Push Press: x 10 reps.
  3. Bench Press: x 10 reps.
  4. Back Rows: x 10 reps.
  5. Sledgehammer/Macebell/DB Woodchoppers: 10 x reps per side (20 total).
  6. Weighted Plank Holds: x 30/45 seconds.


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Finisher: Breaking down the Walls.

Breaking Down the Walls is your final 5-minute effort to dismantle the defenders’ fortifications and their will. Complete as many sets of each exercise in this intense finisher.

  • 5 mins: Sledgehammer/Macebell strikes/Wood cutters x 10 reps (5 x reps each side).  10 x Tire flips.  Tire Push x 25 metres (27 yds) and return. Repeat for time.

The Great Heathen Army Circuit

The Great Heathen Army is dedicated to Ragnar’s avenging sons and serves as a comprehensive test of your athletic prowess. Prepare for a well-rounded and demanding workout that mirrors the tenacity of the Viking spirit! Vengeance or Valhalla!!

Circuit 1: Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye Station (Core & Agility)

  1. Crocodile Walks: x 45 seconds.
  2. Dragon Lunges: x 12 reps per side.
  3. Dragon Flags: x 12 reps.
  4. Push ups with Shoulder Taps: x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  5. Windshield Wipers: x 10 reps each side (20 total).


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Circuit 2: Ivar the Boneless Station (Upper Body)

  1. Wide Push-Ups: x 10-15 reps.
  2. Pull-Ups: x 5/8/10 reps (depending on level).
  3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: x 12 reps.
  4. Triceps Dips: x 10-12 reps.
  5. Biceps Alternating Curls: x 12 reps per side (x 24 reps total).


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Circuit 3: Bjorn Ironside Station (Legs)

  1. Barbell Squats: x 10-12 reps.
  2. Walking Lunges: x 10 reps each side (20 total).
  3. Hex Bar Deadlifts: x 8-10 reps.
  4. Box Jumps: x 8-10 reps.
  5. Calf Raises: x 20 reps (10 reps fast/20 reps slow.


5 minutes. Aim for 1500 ms (1640 yds)/100 calories, whichever comes first.

Rowing. Cardio Work. Halls of Valhalla Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Finisher: Revenge of the Sons.

What else would you expect from the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok as they seek their bloody revenge? Here, you have the choice of two punishing finishers: the Trial by Fire and the Blood Eagle. Choose your fate and prepare to test your limits!

Choose one of the finisher circuits from below.

Blood Eagle:

Undertake exercise in sequence for the reps prescribed. No rest. Repeat. For 5 minutes. 

  • Renegade row: x 1 row each side (2 rows total).
  • Push up: x 1 rep.
  • Mountain climbers: x 1 rep each side (2 reps total).
  • Deadlift: x 1 rep.
  • Hammer curl: x 1 rep.
  • Squat: x 1 rep.
  • Press: x 1 rep.

Repeat. For 5 minutes. 

Trial by Fire:

5 exercises. 1 minute each. For 5 minutes. 

  • 1st minute: KB swings.
  • 2nd minute: Push press.
  • 3rd minute: T- Push ups
  • 4th minute: Oblique Mountain Climbers.
  • 5th minute: Burpees.


  • Adjust weights and intensity according to your fitness level.
  • Ensure proper form to avoid injury, especially with exercises involving heavy lifting.
  • Feel free to mix and match these exercises based on your goals and equipment availability!

Whichever workout you undertake. Remember to cool down, stretch and drink water!

Workout Complete!

Bloodied but unbowed.

Appendices: The True Saga

If you enjoyed the Vikings TV series and the Ragnar-inspired workouts, you might be interested in the history of Ragnar as found in the sagas. These ancient Norse tales, passed down through oral tradition, recount his legendary exploits and offer a glimpse into Viking culture, though their authenticity remains uncertain. Sadly, much has been lost to the Dark Ages…

Click on the links below for more on Ragnar and his sagas.

In the sagas, particularly in the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok and the Tale of Ragnar’s Sons, Ragnar is said to have been born into a humble farming family, possibly in what is now modern-day Denmark or Sweden. This background likely instilled in him a strong work ethic and ambition. Some accounts suggest he was descended from notable figures, which may have fueled his desire for glory. Growing up amidst Norse mythology, Ragnar was immersed in tales of gods and heroes, shaping his identity. While specific early adventures are sparse, the sagas imply that his formative experiences involved raiding and combat, setting the stage for his rise as a renowned raider.


Lindisfarne Today.


Ragnar Lothbrok’s raid on Lindisfarne in 793 AD is often considered one of the first major Viking incursions into the British Isles. The sagas portray this event as a pivotal moment that marked the beginning of the Viking Age, where Ragnar and his men targeted the wealthy monastery for its riches. The attack shocked the Christian world and highlighted the Vikings’ naval capabilities and fierce warrior culture. While specific details of the raid are embellished in later accounts, it is remembered as a defining event that exemplified the Viking spirit of exploration and conquest. This raid not only yielded significant plunder but also set the stage for further Viking expeditions into England and beyond.

Ragnar Lothbrok’s conquest of England is depicted in the sagas as a series of raids and battles that established Viking dominance in the region. After the initial raid on Lindisfarne, Ragnar and his sons launched several expeditions against various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, including Northumbria, East Anglia, and Wessex. The sagas describe Ragnar’s tactical prowess and the ferocity of his warriors, who sought both wealth and land.

Key events include the capture of York and the establishment of Viking control over the area. Ragnar’s sons, particularly Ivar the Boneless and Bjorn Ironside, continued these efforts, leading the Great Heathen Army into England. The conquest was characterized by fierce battles, strategic alliances, and a relentless pursuit of power, ultimately transforming the political landscape of England and leaving a lasting legacy of Viking influence. While the sagas contain legendary embellishments, they underscore the Vikings’ impact on English history during this tumultuous period.

Ragnar Lothbrok’s conquest of France is depicted in the sagas as a series of bold raids that showcased Viking naval prowess and combat skills. One of the most notable events was the siege of Paris in 845 AD, where Ragnar led a large fleet of Viking ships up the Seine River. The sagas describe how he and his men successfully besieged the city, demanding a hefty ransom from the Frankish king, Charles the Bald, in exchange for sparing the city from destruction.

This raid not only highlighted the Vikings’ ability to navigate and strike deep into enemy territory but also demonstrated their strategy of leveraging fear and negotiation. The sagas recount Ragnar’s clever tactics and the ferocity of his warriors, which left a lasting impression on the Frankish court and further established Viking reputation across Europe. While the historical accuracy of these events can be debated, they underscore the significant role of Viking raids in shaping the political landscape of France and the broader region during the Viking Age.

Ragnar Lothbrok’s marriages and descendants play a significant role in the sagas, highlighting both his personal life and the legacy of his family. He is said to have had two prominent wives: Lagertha, a skilled shieldmaiden, and Aslaug, a woman of noble birth.

With Lagertha, Ragnar had a son named Bjorn Ironside, who would grow to be a legendary warrior and raider in his own right. After Lagertha, Ragnar married Aslaug, who bore him several sons, including Ivar the Boneless, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, Hvitserk, and Ubbe. Each of these sons became notable figures in Viking history, particularly during the Great Heathen Army’s campaigns in England.

The sagas depict Ragnar as a devoted father, and his descendants continued his legacy through their own conquests and raids. The intertwining of their fates and exploits illustrates the importance of lineage in Viking culture, as the actions of Ragnar’s sons significantly impacted the course of Viking history and their reputation as formidable warriors.

Ragnar Lothbrok’s death is shrouded in legend and uncertainty, primarily recounted in the sagas, which often blend historical events with myth. According to the most popular accounts, Ragnar was captured by King Aelle of Northumbria after a series of raids in England. In a brutal act of revenge for Ragnar’s earlier conquests, Aelle reportedly executed him by throwing him into a pit filled with venomous snakes.

The sagas depict Ragnar’s death as both tragic and heroic, emphasizing his bravery in the face of certain death. Before his execution, Ragnar is said to have uttered the famous words, “How the little pigs would grunt if they knew how the old boar suffers!” This expression reflects his stoic acceptance of fate and serves as a poignant reminder of his character. His death has left a lasting legacy, remembered in both history and legend.

The march of the Great Heathen Army into Anglo-Saxon Britain. Their conquests and the establishment of ‘Danelaw’ (Viking-controlled region in England where Danish laws prevailed).


The Great Heathen Army is a significant force in Viking history, described in the sagas as a coalition of warriors led by the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok, particularly Ivar the Boneless, Bjorn Ironside, Hvitserk, and Ubbe. This formidable army invaded England in 865 AD, seeking to avenge their father’s death and to assert Viking dominance over the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

The saga accounts depict the army as a vast and powerful force, made up of seasoned raiders and warriors, and its arrival marked a turning point in the Viking Age. The Great Heathen Army successfully captured key cities, including York, and engaged in numerous battles against the Anglo-Saxon kings, such as King Aelle of Northumbria and King Edmund of East Anglia.

The campaigns of the Great Heathen Army showcased the Vikings’ tactical prowess, naval capabilities, and ferocity in battle. Their success solidified Viking influence in England and led to a period of Viking settlement and cultural exchange in the region. The legacy of the Great Heathen Army remains a testament to the enduring impact of Ragnar Lothbrok’s descendants and their role in shaping the history of the British Isles.

Ragnar Lothbrok’s legacy is multifaceted and profoundly influential in both history and popular culture. As a legendary figure in Norse sagas, he is often portrayed as an archetypal Viking warrior and king, embodying the ideals of bravery, exploration, and leadership. His exploits, particularly his raids on England and France, helped establish the Viking reputation as formidable seafarers and warriors, leading to significant changes in the political landscape of Europe during the Viking Age.

In popular culture, Ragnar Lothbrok has been immortalized in literature, television, and film, most notably in the Vikings TV series, where his character is depicted as a complex and heroic figure. This portrayal has sparked renewed interest in Viking history and culture, inspiring a new generation to explore the sagas and the rich narrative of the Viking Age.

Ultimately, Ragnar Lothbrok’s legacy endures not only in historical accounts and sagas but also in the collective imagination as a symbol of the Viking spirit, adventure, and the quest for glory.

Maps detailing Ragnar's Saga

  1. Raid on Lindisfarne (793 AD): Marked the beginning of the Viking Age, where Ragnar and his men targeted the wealthy monastery for its riches.
  2. Raids on Northumbria: Ragnar conducted multiple raids against various Northumbrian targets, including the capture of Eoforwic (York).
  3. Raid on East Anglia (c. 865 AD): Ragnar is said to have raided this region, further establishing Viking presence in England.
  4. Invasions of Wessex: Ragnar and his forces were involved in various conflicts with the kingdom of Wessex.
  5. Siege of Paris (845 AD): Ragnar led a large fleet and besieged the city, demanding a ransom from King Charles the Bald.

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