Welcome to our Return to the Agoge, Spartan ‘300’ Workouts, a series of functional-based circuits aimed at developing power, explosive movement, speed, balance, coordination and strength building.
Click below to skip the introduction
Check out our previous Spartan ‘300’ Workouts if you are unfamiliar with these workouts or indeed Spartan history and training! For anyone returning, welcome back to the Agoge! The Spartan ‘300’ Workouts below are a combination of body weight, resistance training and functional training exercises. The equipment required will depend on the actual workout listed below. If you do not have access to a particular piece of equipment, substitute it with another exercise from another workout listed.
The aim of the Agoge system was to produce strong and capable warriors to serve within the Spartan army.
The Circuits
Outlined below are several ‘300’ style routines. The exercises in these workouts can be performed in any order. You can break down the exercises in any order (for example, if you have 50 squats and 50 Burpees: break the routine down into a 25 squat, 25 burpees, 25 squats, 25 burpee split, or just simply undertake 50 squats and 50 burpees) the choice is yours.
The importance is on getting the session complete and undertaking ALL exercises with NO (or little) rest.This workout builds strength, power, endurance and aerobic fitness, basically everything a Spartan warrior would need to hold formation whilst in a phalanx and utilising all the muscle groups to land a successful attack with their spear or sword.
Return to the Agoge – Spartan 300 Workouts. Quick and brutal HIIT workouts, that will work all the major muscle groups provide a good cardio boost (be brutal with your self). Aim for no rest unless you really have to and even then keep it minimal.Think of your ‘rest’ as the next exercise you move onto which will work another body part.
Whichever workout you undertake
remember to cool down, stretch and drink water!
Workout Complete!!
Now you may dine in Hell!!
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