The Juba Circuits: Preparatory Phase

The first of our gladiator circuits is the Juba circuits.  These HIIT style workouts will prepare you for what is to come. Bring out your inner Numidian.


This phase lasts 2 weeks and focuses on building a foundation of strength and conditioning. Workouts during this phase involve full-body workouts 4 times per week with 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps at 60-70% of the one-rep max (1RM) for each exercise. This phase also includes some cardiovascular training to build endurance.

  • 4X AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) style circuits
  • 2x steady state cardio sessions 30 mins of the exercise of your choice (rowing, cycling, running).

Equipment required:

The Juba Gladiator Circuits mix bodyweight exercises with (mostly) traditional workout equipment (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells). Don’t worry if you don’t have some of the equipment available, improvise with what you have. See our section here on improvised gym equipment.

Required: Dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine ball, sandbag, barbells.

Warm ups

(Always warm up before starting any routine).  Start by performing mobility drills on shoulders, hips, ankles, wrist and neck muscles.  Use light core stretches to activate the muscle groups we shall be using.

After mobility drills use three rounds of the warm-up drills below.

Workout Tips

  • The workout involves several AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible) circuits each with 10 exercises. The aim is to work through them one at a time until they have all been completed.
  • Aim for little or no rest in between exercises. The change in exercise is the rest.
  • The is a HIIT style circuit designed to prepare you for the circuits in the weeks to follow. Keep the weights on the lighter side, so you don’t exhaust yourself too early.
  • Each exercise station is 45 secs for intermediate/advanced. 30 secs for beginner.
  • Make your way steadily through the exercises.
  • Concentrate on good effort and technique and try not to exceed rest times.

AMRAP Circuit 1.

Beginner/Intermediate – 30 minutes AMRAP.  Advanced – 45 mins AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). 30 secs of work per station. 10 seconds rest.  1 minute rest on completion of a circuit then begin again. Continue for time.

  1. Burpees. 
  2. Knuckle push-ups.
  3. DB/KB Deadlifts.
  4. Kettlebell cleans.
  5. Inchworms.
  6. Skater Jumps.
  7. Commando Planks.
  8. Bicycle crunches.
  9. Upright Rows.
  10. Diamond Push-Ups.
Gladiator Workout. functional strength training. calve raises. Calisthenics. Bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight circuits. Callisthenics workout plan. functional. strength training. exercises for strength training. upper body strength workouts. strength exercises for back. Compound lifts. Compound exercises. Muscular hypertrophy. Muscular strength. HIIT workouts. HIIT cardio. Core exercises. Core training. kettlebells exercises for men. kettlebell exercises for abs.

AMRAP Circuit 2.

Beginner/Intermediate – 30 minutes AMRAP.  Advanced – 45 mins AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). 30 secs of work per station. 10 seconds rest.  1 minute rest on completion of a circuit then begin again. Continue for time.

  1. Jumping jacks.
  2. Kettlebell swings.
  3. Bear crawls.
  4. Battleropes.
  5. Chin-ups and burpees. (1x chin up. 1x burpee).
  6. Mountain climber with twist.
  7. Judo push-ups.
  8. Squat jumps.
  9. Lateral jump.
  10. Bulgarian split squats.
Gladiator Workout. functional strength training. calve raises. Calisthenics. Bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight circuits. Callisthenics workout plan. functional. strength training. exercises for strength training. upper body strength workouts. strength exercises for back. Compound lifts. Compound exercises. Muscular hypertrophy. Muscular strength. HIIT workouts. HIIT cardio. Core exercises. Core training. kettlebells exercises for men. kettlebell exercises for abs.

AMRAP Circuit 3.

Beginner/Intermediate – 30 minutes AMRAP.  Advanced – 45 mins AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). 30 secs of work per station. 10 seconds rest.  1 minute rest on completion of a circuit then begin again. Continue for time.

  1. Alternating bicep curls.
  2. Dynamic jump lunges.
  3. Shoulder press.
  4. Step-ups.
  5. Sumo squats.
  6. Lateral raises.
  7. Planks/reverse planks – 30 secs each.
  8. Crocodile walks.
  9. Wall sits.
  10. Spiderman push-ups.
Gladiator Workout. functional strength training. calve raises. Calisthenics. Bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight circuits. Callisthenics workout plan. functional. strength training. exercises for strength training. upper body strength workouts. strength exercises for back. Compound lifts. Compound exercises. Muscular hypertrophy. Muscular strength. HIIT workouts. HIIT cardio. Core exercises. Core training. kettlebells exercises for men. kettlebell exercises for abs.

AMRAP Circuit 4.

Beginner/Intermediate – 30 minutes AMRAP.  Advanced – 45 mins AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). 30 secs of work per station. 10 seconds rest.  1 minute rest on completion of a circuit then begin again. Continue for time.

  1. One-leg burpees.
  2. Goblet squats.
  3. Dumbbell bench press.
  4. One-arm rows.
  5. Tricep kickbacks.
  6. Jumping lunges.
  7. V-ups.
  8. In and outs.
  9. Dragon squats.
  10. High Knees.
Gladiator Workout. functional strength training. calve raises. Calisthenics. Bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight circuits. Callisthenics workout plan. functional. strength training. exercises for strength training. upper body strength workouts. strength exercises for back. Compound lifts. Compound exercises. Muscular hypertrophy. Muscular strength. HIIT workouts. HIIT cardio. Core exercises. Core training. kettlebells exercises for men. kettlebell exercises for abs.

Cardio days.

2x steady state cardio sessions 30 mins of the exercise of your choice (rowing, cycling, running).

Treadmill Sprints. Cardio Work. Khabib Nurmagomedov Workout. MMA Workouts. Super Soldier Project.
Rowing. Cardio Work. Thors Hammer Workout. Warrior Workouts. Super Soldier Project.

Remember to cool down, stretch and drink water!

Workout Complete!!

Now we are free.

More on Gladiatores Training

Click on the links below for an insights into this combat systems history, principles, influences and to see the benefits of training in the Roman world.

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