The exercises below are the most effective and well known kettlebell moves available. As in barbell training, so in kettlebell training… ‘if in doubt, go back to big compound lifts’. I won’t say that isolation exercises are ineffective, they do indeed have a place. However, you will get far more for your money with exercises that work many big muscle groups.
Out of the exercises listed below, I would say that the most powerful and effective are the Swing, the Turkish Get Up, the Clean, the Snatch, the Squat and the Deadlift. Just big, bad, beautiful, whole-body exercises. They are a great place to start with kettlebell exercises. In terms of difficulty, you are best starting with the swing, the squat, the deadlift and perhaps the clean before progressing to more difficult exercises.
Kettlebell exercises can generally be categorised into two general categories, ballistics and grinds. A simple way of describing the differences between the two would be that ballistic exercises generally involve very fast, dynamic movements, while grinds are slow, and often involve brief pauses. Both have their benefits, Ballistic exercises incorporate a large number of muscles and muscular chains and really provide great cardiovascular workouts. (Examples of ballistic exercises include the Swing, the Snatch and the Clean). Grinds, on the other hand, challenge your ability to maintain tension and require attention to whole-body tension as well as the regulation of sustained power breathing. They are also great at providing feedback on any transitional strength inadequacies you may have and might need to work on. (Examples of grinds include, the Squat, the Turkish Get Up and the Overhead Press). To distinguish between the two types in the exercises below a (B) or a (G) will be listed beside the name of the exercise.
Take your time with the exercises, if unsure go back and look at the key steps. Keep breaking them down until you get it right. In time, I hope to get up some video footage of the moves being demonstrated, again, persevere with me :).
Once you are happy with your progress you can start incorporating the exercises into your regular workouts. Don’t be afraid of a little critique, you will always pick up bad habits in training, especially when fatigued. Don’t be shy about coming back and working on your technique from time to time. Practice makes perfect.