Super Soldier Project – Recent Posts

Red Light Food Sources

Welcome to our exploration of 'Red light foods', the modern dietary pitfalls. Join us as we uncover the hidden dangers of refined grains, unhealthy condiments,...

By Strength and Guile – The Odysseus Workout

The Odysseus Workout is the third in our series of Legendary Hero Workouts. Functional and Bodyweight Circuits inspired by ancient legends. Be brutal to yourself...

An Introduction to Kettlebell Long Cycles

Welcome to the world of Girevoy Sport and the dynamic, comprehensive workout that is the Kettlebell Long Cycle. In this post, we shall delve into...

Fight for Arrakis – The Dune Workout

Welcome to our Fight for Arrakis - The Dune Workout! Inspired by the novel, the film Dune and its upcoming sequel! Channel the spirit of...

Enter Sandman – Sleep and how to improve it

Struggling to catch those elusive Z's? 'Enter Sandman' is your go-to guide for transforming restless nights into peaceful slumber. From mastering sleep hygiene to unlocking the...

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